Improving Healthcare delivery and Performance


The provision of healthcare services, that is, the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of illness, injury, disease and other mental and physical impairments among people is entrenched within a complex context. The healthcare service system is an industry of dynamism and diversity in equal measures to primarily provide efficient healthcare services to the patients (Spitzer, 2007). The healthcare system face challenges which exemplify the complexity and breadth of this particular discipline, in which anything which would have effect on the health or happiness of the patients and also their family members potentially fall within this realm.

This paper analyzes the performance indicator of the healthcare facility, The Eden Medical Center-Castro Valley in California and its increase in value of health care services and delivery. Their process in attaining the best practices towards meeting its set goals in consistence with the clients’ satisfaction due to improved healthcare services within the facility is further scrutinized in this paper.

Single-loop and Double-loop learning Model

The model give a description of the two ways that people learn from experiences. The Chrys Argyris model support global networking and teamwork, group development, and intellectual learning. Single-loop learning entails connecting a strategy for action with a result (Brockbank & McGill, 2006). For instance, in a case where the action taken yields results which are different from the expected results, through single-loop learning, the results will be observed, feedback automatically taken and a different approach is given a try.

This cyclical process of making application of the new strategies towards achieving a desired or an expected outcome can occur numerous number of times with or without success. Exhausting possible strategies would push us to the re-evaluation of the insight governing variables that dictates every course of action we take. Reframing and re-evaluating the goals, beliefs and values is a very complex system of information processing and it entails a highly sophisticated way of engaging with the experience-a process called double-loop learning. An advantage of the double-loop learning is the necessity it provides for the organization and its members towards effective management of problems as a result of rapidly changing and uncertain circumstances.

Healthcare delivery and performance

The healthcare service providers make initiatives to ensure the standards on the healthcare services and quality are kept at par always, through policy reforms, re-organization, credentialing and accreditation, and also measures to standardize the care processes. However, at the realm of healthcare lean the interactions between clinicians and the individual patients. Therefore ensuring improvement in the communication and relationships, enhancement of the individual decision-making in an evidence-based decision support and facilitation of the patients’ involvement and being responsible for their own care are vital elements for safer and better healthcare services (Omachonu, 2008).

The evaluation of the people’s process within the healthcare systems ensures individuals in need of healthcare receive services of high-quality from the service providers (Lighter, 2011). A good supervision ensures that there is increased competence and satisfaction of providers thereby improving the performance of the facility, consequently increasing satisfaction and well-being of the clients.

The increased value/ performance standards

The Eden Medical Center shows an increased value in level of quality service provision in a number of ways as this paper highlights on only two of these performance indicators: The first element that the facility has given the process of obtaining feedback, that is, suggestions and comments from the community and the clients a vital source of pursuing any other new policy to the best interest of its clients (Upton, Graber & New York University, 2003). Secondly, the facility has built the capacity of the process of supervision in communicating and setting standards, building teams, monitoring performance in accordance with the standards and hastening of the communication skills.

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