Malcolm X – Oratorical Leaders and the Magic of Stereotypes

In this paper, Malcolm X will be the point of reference in most of the occasions. One of the reasons he has been chosen for reference is due to his distinctive and dramatic approach of serious issue in the society. Malcolm was one person who adamantly advocated for the independence and freedom of the black Americans who had been taken to the United States as slaves. In his speeches, he emphasized on the need of the black Americans to get united and fight for their freedom in the foreign land using any means that could help them attain that status. According to him, it did not matter the means that they used to attain their freedom from their masters. All that mattered was to see that the blacks were finally free from the slavery acts that they were subjected to by their masters (Malcolm x, 1970). He was particularly pleased with what the African leaders had done in the African continent that led to their nations becoming independent. Malcolm was particularly pleased with the fact that the Africans were able to secure their independence despite the fact that they were ill equipped as opposed to the colonialists who had better and superior weapons.

By the year 1964, most of the African countries had gained their independence and were already forming their own governments that were led by their fellow Africans. Moreover, that alone made them gets recognition from the whites as their fellow human beings who deserved to be given fair treatments as human beings. Furthermore, the African heads of state by then decide to come together and form a movement for the better and prosperity of the black African continent. During that period when the sitting presidents came up with such an idea, the whites thought that they (African leaders) could not be able to do such a thing. The reason they had such a thought was because the western society thought that that the Africans had nothing in common that could make them unite and work together as a team. On the contrary, their beliefs were brought down crumbling when the Africans formed one strong organization after putting aside all their differences. Malcolm was so vocal in fighting for the rights and the well being of the poor and the oppressed in the society. He did not fear whether that would put him in trouble with the authorities or not (Malcolm x, 1970). Moreover, he knew that such radicalization would eventually cost him his life but that too he did not fear.

Read also Five Accounts of the Assassination of Malcolm X

Under sociology, an in-group can be defined as a social group into which a person may have an affiliation to or would like to be a member. On the contrary, an out group is the exact opposite of an in-group. An out-group is one where an individual may not want to be associated with because of their contrary beliefs of difference in opinions with what the group subscribes.  For instance it is socially and psychologically accepted for people to categorize and identify themselves in terms of their tribal affiliation. On the other hand, some would identify themselves in terms of their racial affiliation or even the culture that they belong to (Marilynn, 1999).  Additionally, there are those who may want to identify themselves I terms of their gender or the religion that they believe in. For instance, a Muslim man may never want to be referred to as a born again brother because he does not subscribe to such beliefs. The same way a woman may specifically want to be referred to as a woman and not the contrary. There are so many phenomena according to which certain groups may want to be associated.

Read also The Black Panthers as a Subculture

One factor that keeps an in-group in solidarity is its ability to uphold the rule of following the socially accepted moral rules (Wilder, 1981). For instance if a certain age bracket or even religion is against the act of theft, then all the followers will follow the rule to the latter. Therefore if anyone is caught or is found guilty if committing such an offence then he or she is liable to get punished for such an act. Additionally, a group can be held in solidarity by the trust that each members of the group has on the other group member. Lack of trust in a group can at times make others betray their own groups or even take free rides on their groups. Furthermore, group members fearing to fail to live upto their expectations is another factor that brings solidarity in groups.

On the other hand, the in-group is challenging the issues of having a disengaged society where everybody minds his or her own business without caring to know what happens to the next person. Such attitudes where the society becomes unconcerned with the others can be very dangerous because it gives chances for vices such as theft, lesbianism and even gays to exist. The group equally fights against stereotyping communities based on their cultures and beliefs. People should instead learn to embrace and appreciate differences in people cultures since that (culture) is what brings out their real identity.

My peer groups have played a major role in helping me appreciate the importance of accepting and socializing with people from various backgrounds (Marilynn, 1999). Moreover, I have learnt never to have any prejudice against any prejudice like creating a negative behavior towards certain social or target groups.

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