How To Manage Various Workplace Issues

How do you manage the following? Failure to complete work within the allocated deadlines, constant interruptions, excessive needs for overtime, distracting personnel issues, delegation of work and conflicting personalities.

In an organization, it is common to have employees who have poisonous behaviors that could affect the organization. So if the employees just never seem to complete their jobs on time, this can be so frustrating and exhausting. There are however some tips on how best to deal with the employees who are not able to meet the deadlines. First of all, you need to set the expectations and communicate them as early as possible. It is good to sometimes ask them to establish their own deadlines (Flynn, 1995). This will put the burden of the completion of the job on them and they will work hard to ensure they achieve it since they set the target themselves.

Secondly, you should be able to note the conversations that you have with the employees that gives the clarifications, instructions as well as the reminders. This will help remind you later and follow up on it. Lastly, you can as well tie the payment to the performance. The employee who doesn’t deliver should get a lesser pay. This will motivate them to work harder.

Another hurdle is dealing with the employees who cause constant interruption. One way to deal with this is by keeping an interrupters log. Keep a record of the things that interrupt you during the day and at what times. Assess whether it was valid and urgent. Make an assessment after a while and know how to deal with the urgent interruptions and let go of the others. Telephone interruptions are also very common at the work place. If you have deadlines to meet, be sure to use the voice mail so as to screen your calls. This can help you deal with calls by priority and thus avoid a lot of interruptions. Lastly, learn to say no. let people know when you are available and when you are not and learn when you can say no to something that will disrupt your program.

Employers also have an issue about dealing with employees who need excess overtime. There are several policies which can help in dealing with excessive overtime issues. First of all, enforce a policy. Create a policy that gives guidelines to overtime and enforce it by use of disciplinary action (Flynn, 1995). For example, you should make it official that employees need not to arrive to work too early nor leave late unless given permission by their departmental supervisor. You can as well use the attendance and the time tools. The employees can undergo finger checks on the time they get in as well as the time they leave. The employee should thus set a strict time in and time out policy.

Personnel issues are quite a number and the employer has to deal with each one of them effectively. These issues include; the hiring practices. These can be tiresome as it is hard to get the right candidates. To handle this, it is important to take enough time to shortlist the candidates and carry out interviews effectively. The wage and hour issues can be a problem too. The employees might feel unsatisfied with the amount of wages they are paid compared to their hours of working. The employer as well can fail to make a determination of the amount of wages to pay. The employer thus needs to make a careful determination of the wages by making comparison with other similar organizations. This can also enable it to maintain its competency.

To deal with delegation of duties. An employer needs to ensure that they are specific in the duties they are delegating to the employees (Flynn, 1995). They also need to be measurable. They should not give too much work to one person. They should give a manageable amount of work. They also need to be realistic. Give the employee a job that they can handle if you need good results. As well, set the timelines that you need the work to be delivered to prevent an employee from staying with a task for too long.

At the work place, employees may be at times be overwhelmed by different tasks that they need no undertake. They thus have to device a way of dealing with this. First of all. One needs to have clear goals. Know what the priorities are and decide on the time you may need to undertake each task then tackle them one by one. One you have clear goals, set clear time blocks to decide on what to undertake and at what time or on which day. These two steps will be beneficial in handling the issue of multiple priorities.

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