MGMT 8025 -Organization Culture – The Eagle Group Vs SEAL Team Six Red Squadron

MGMT 8025 – Organization Culture Discussion Instructions

Within an organization, there can be many different cultures (e.g., values, beliefs) within departments, divisions, branches, and work units. These differences might be a result of leadership style. For example, the more control the leader has over the work unit, the more his or her style will impact the culture within the unit. For this Discussion, review Chapter 13 of your course text, Culture in Action. The chapter provides various short scenarios and examples of management style and culture. Examine two different scenarios from the chapter. From the scenarios selected, consider how the leader’s management styles impact the organizational culture.

  • Provide a description of how each of the two management styles selected distinctively create organizational cultures.
  • Next, describe the strengths and weaknesses of the two styles.
  • Then, explain how these differences could align or be dissonant with the organization’s culture and the advantages or disadvantages of that dynamic.
  • Finally, explain the type of organizational culture you think would be the best for the business used in the case study. Provide a rationale for your choice.

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MGMT 8025 – Organization Culture Sample Discussion 


Organization culture refers to a system of shared beliefs, values, and assumptions that governs how individuals in organizations behave. The shared values contain a strong influence on the individuals in the organization and they dictate on how they act, dress, and do their works. Organizational culture is also referred to as the organization personality which guides on how the workers act and think in their jobs. Culture is a main factor in attaining goals of an organization and in keeping and attracting suitable workers, developing respectable associations with stakeholders, and developing a positive public image. This paper reviews organization culture based on various provided scenarios.

Description of the Scenarios

The Eagle Group

The Eagle Group was a group of engineers that comprised of different individuals with diverse skills that were used to contribute to something unique in the project development. Although the team had a team leader known as Tom West, who work under the CEO instruction was always absent in the actual mission. However, the team does not have any other form of leadership. West initiates hard work in the group by posting a c challenge to the team members. The members were motivated by their urge to successfully complete the task.

SEAL Team Six Red Squadron

SEAL Team like any other military organization was governed by the chain of commands where a hierarchical flow of command is executed. In this case, the hierarchy  run from the president, to the CIO officials and then to the leader of the SEAL team. The SEAL special group was classified into four teams that are trained for a special mission. Each team is responsible of their members’ mistake and success. The team leader William H. McRaven focuses more on the team development and acquiring the right skills required for the important mission. The most important aspect of this organization is that the team leader was always with the group to offer command where necessary during the operation (Florea & Mihai, 2015).

Strength and Weaknesses of the Two Management Style

The main strength of the Seal Time is the team ability to work together as team and take care of each team member by taking responsibility of their mistakes and by sharing their success. In this regard each team member worked to avoid unnecessary mistake and to enhance the team success. The other main strength is their well-defined chain of command. This makes decisions making in the organization and provisions of instructions much easier. The organization makes it easier to know on where to make inquiries and also on whose command to work on. This enhances order in the team. The main weaknesses of the Seal Team are that failure is taken quite seriously such that it can jeopardize the psychological well-being of other team members despite not taking part in the mistake that caused failure. Another major weakness is that team members do not have the right to make personal decisions and must follow commands from their seniors even when they feel something else could have worked better than what the leader commands (Humphries & Howard, 2014).

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The main strength of the Eagle Group is the team drive. The team is highly driven by need for success; the ability to create a computer and to be part of  the team that succeeded in the mission. The drive for fame is what drove the group and this made the team succeeds. The other major strength of the organization is diversity. The group has different individuals with different skills. In this regard each member was working on something different and thus, the group was able to coexist without defined leadership or supervision since each member struggled make best of his skills to ensure general success. The contribution of each member was unique and thus self-drive took control of the situation, enhancing success. The main weakness is lack of order and authority at some times especially when there West was not in the lab. The engineers would joke around and waste sometimes even by tampering with each other’s work (Khalid  & Zubair, 2014).

Differences Alignment and Discordant with the Organization Culture

The individual skills demonstrated in the two groups’ strength in each case and thus enhancing diversity and creativity in the groups. However the difference in the main organizations governance enhanced the growth of dependency culture during any operation. The lack of close supervision leadership enhanced experiential culture which improved creativity that resulted to problem solving culture in the organization.

Type of Organizational Culture best for the Business

The two cultures fit well in each situation. This is because they both enhanced great success in each team. The hierarchical command of enhances quick decision making in the military organizations. On the other hand, the free rule situation enhances a high level of creativity in the organization which enhances the high problem solving ability.


The organization culture and leadership style are very important to any organization. It enhances the growth and the success of the organization.  However, two organizations cannot adopt similar form of culture or leadership since a successful culture and leadership style in one organization may not work well in another organization. In this regard each organization has unique culture based on its activities missions and goals.

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