Nokia Cultural Analysis and Innovative Thinking

Today, many managers throughout the world are giving the ideas related to the formation of corporate culture serious thought. Fitria (2018) note that organizational culture has been highlighted as a performance factor that affects employees’ attitudes and how customers perceive the company. As a result, the organizational methods used by the Nokia Company—which may be seen as the informants of the company’s key performance indicators—will be the main topic of this article. Nokia’s culture is characterized by a flat, networked organization, quick decision-making, and adaptability. Nokia supports giving everyone the same chances. The business has made an effort to cultivate a culture of trust, openness, and respect. The IT, media, and consumer industries are all being shaped by the effects of mobility. The following are some functions of Nokia’s organizational culture:

  1. It influences how employees connect with one another both inside and outside the organization. This develops a favorable relationship that encourages healthy and fruitful rivalry within the business. Additionally, the organization becomes more innovative as a result of this.
  2.  It helps the management build the company’s brand. This increases the level of expectation awareness among Nokia employees.
  3. c. Nokia’s culture helps employees develop stronger emotional bonds that lead to better decision-making. Increased internal communication and trustworthy information for customers, workers, and employers characterize this.
  4. According to Dyck et al. (2019) it supports managers in including staff members in decision-making for the organization’s success. This encourages the employees to put in extra effort to advance the organization’s objectives and increase earnings.
  5.  Within the company, the culture of Nokia supports and encourages teamwork.

Read also Change Management at Nokia Inc

Cultural Components for Innovation in Nokia

Modern cultural elements for organizational Innovation include;

Ideologies– Nokia’s ideologies reorganize the way that its employees think. As a result, ideologies that emphasize development produce fresh concepts, which considerably aid in innovation.

Practices- Nokia’s long-standing procedures lead to additional change. Mainela et al. (2018) indicate that businesses that consider innovation to be their biggest strength encourage employees to put in a lot of effort in order to accomplish the purpose. The organization’s fundamental values are also a crucial component for innovation because they establish the standards for the required mentality of the workforce.

Read also The Nokia-Microsoft Alliance in the Global Smartphone Industry (circa 2011)

The Need for Redesigning Cultural Components for Innovation

The company’s competitive advantages are supported by the culture of redesign and concept generation. Innovation at the Nokia Company fosters a competitive climate that allows for healthy organization-wide competition. Ojansivu et al. (2022) claim that the company’s inventiveness inspires members to learn more about contemporary technology in order to improve the quality of their phones. Employees are empowered to freely communicate with their superior management while making decisions about the items as part of an innovation strategy.

Strategies For Promoting Culture Innovation at Nokia

The approach to product and consumer development – This enables the company to create new, high-quality phones for customers and marketplaces in local and global markets. It would enable more employees at the organization to develop their innovativeness (Schwarz, 2019).  

New employee strategy – Hiring new employees would support the company’s innovative culture. If it were done annually, this would be substantial.

Better material strategy- An improved material strategy would help employees identify flaws and provide workarounds by providing better and more appropriate materials and structures within the company.

Employee engagement approach – The employee involvement strategy is important for more cultural innovation, according to Schwarz (2019) who argue that the importance of effective communication and staff involvement in decision-making. These tactics are therefore crucial for an innovative organizational culture.

Read also Four Reasons Why Entrepreneurial Organizations Seek Opportunities For Innovation

Effective Communication on Innovative Structures to The Employees

Through an open conversation, the novel material and structures are effectively communicated to the workforce. According to Fitria (2018), this is an easy and straightforward technique for managers to communicate with their particular teams. This discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the novel structures.

Continuing The Creative Thinking Within Nokia

Nokia needs to include its workforce in decision-making, offer effective training, and support change in the way the team works to maintain its creative thinking. Additionally, as it would boost employee engagement, the firm needs to set up procedures for rewarding new ideas and creativity.

The role of conscious capitalism, and its four pillars on implementation of innovation

In the corporate sector, conscious capitalism is a notion that is gaining popularity. Its tenets have been adopted by an increasing number of companies, including Nokia. Businesses that disagree with the idea may experience negative effects on revenues and profitability as a result of their positions. Nokia adopted conscious capitalism in response to the rising popularity of socially responsible investing in order to mitigate any adverse effects on their revenues and earnings. Nokia has garnered considerable advantages from its advancements since adopting this attitude. Consumers and investors alike often take into account how firms affect the environment. These stakeholders are looking for companies whose moral standards coincide with their company ideals. Thus, Nokia has benefited from this in a favorable way.

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