Organizational Interventions And the Issues They Address


Organization development is an intended change technique applied to assist an organization to grow and enhance their performance. To enhance performance in the era of knowledge economy, organizations are motivating workers to embrace change, break from the bureaucracy, take risks, and establish revolutionary techniques to guarantee the future of the organization. This is enhanced by applying different intervention measures based on the company’s identified problems. This paper focuses on two forms of interventions used by the corporations and the aspects they address. The two include learning and development, as well as leadership and management.

Learning and Development

Organization learning (OL) regards how people absorb, collect and transform information into organizational knowledge and memory. This is highly enhanced through training. Training enhances the organization knowledge and also improves the human resource ability to handle their duties. Training also builds workers confidentiality while solving problems in an organization. Training enhances the development of the employee productivity. It also increases human resource inimitability which is very important in upholding the competitive advantage (Lien et al., 2007). Training also gives essential data that are internalized by the workers and then change them into information. This information is then used to build the organization knowledge via learning process. Therefore organization’s learning and development initiatives facilitate the attainment of skills and knowledge by enhancing the groups and individuals performance. Swift changes in technology, global competition, formal education shortcoming, downsizing, aging workforce and jobs exploitation are among the main reasons making organizations to center on continuous job training and learning. Training ensures that employees have gained new skills and knowledge. Thus, there is a good reason for an organization to invest in employees learning and development since it results to great advantages in work performance and hence differentiation from the organization’s competitors (Theodore, 2013).

Leadership and Management

This kind of OD intervention focuses on enhancing performance of the organization by increasing informal and formal leaders’ effectiveness. Their utilization is extensively spread and approximately all organizations have implemented programs to improve measure and identify their leaders’ quality. Some of these programs include skills or technical training, participative management, 360 degree feedback, succession planning, MBO, action science, action learning, coaching, mentoring, professional development and executive. According to Romme (2011), organizations are centering on five main actions to augment the strength of their leadership bench. These five actions include customizing the development chances of the leaders’ requirements, generating a consistent development culture, guaranteeing accountability of top management for the development of leadership, targeting needs for future leadership and redefining the profile of leadership to enhance response to current business requirements.

Learning and Development Intervention versus Leadership and Management Development

The main difference between the two intervention measures is that they both focus on different population. Unlike the learning and development intervention that focused more on employees, leadership and management intervention focuses more on the managers and how they can be improved to ensure effective performance of the company. Learning and development intervention focuses on employees and its strategies can also be employed in improving the managers’ condition.  Therefore unlike leadership and management development that focuses on managers and organization leaders only, learning and development can be regarded as an all-round intervention technique that can be used to improve managers and employees. The only difference would be the content of training.

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