Overcoming Process, Personal, Physical, and Semantic Communication Barriers

According to Abdin (2019), communication barriers include four main ones: process barriers, human barriers, physical barriers, and semantic barriers are all examples of these types of obstacles. As a manager, my goal is to use rules, tools, processes, and procedures to get beyond these roadblocks. As a result, the importance of excellent communication in any business cannot be overstated. Despite this, communication barriers exist in many companies, and once they are identified, they must be overcome. Because of this, if these barriers are not dealt with effectively, they can be highly harmful when it comes to accomplishing particular corporate goals.

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Process Communication Barriers

Process obstacles are a major roadblock (Abdin, 2019). Two people must communicate for a message to be exchanged. Things can go wrong while data is being transmitted. I would improve on my communication abilities to overcome these obstacles. When speaking, I would be sure to talk slowly and clearly and use terminology that is easy to comprehend. I would make sure I use listening skills to fully know what the other person understands by having them repeat back what I said. When it comes to communication, I Will not utilize text messages or email. I will rely on phone and face-to-face communication to get the job done. Personal boundaries are also a hindrance to communication. Trust and ego are two of the most common personal hurdles. It is impossible to have clear and effective communication if two people don’t trust one another. Employees will have faith in me if I show them that I’m trustworthy. When it comes to running my business, I’m not allowing my ego to get in the way. Employees shall be held to a high standard of integrity, treated with dignity, and treated fairly at all times.

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Semantic Communication Barriers

Misunderstandings arising from differences in a person’s understanding of words are known as semantic obstacles to communication (Button & Rossera, 2019). Even though words can have a variety of meanings, communicators need to remain focused on the precise topic at hand. Semantic obstacles include slang, metaphors, and connotations, which are examples of semantic barriers. To avoid this misinterpretation, a manager should remind their employees to use precise language while communicating. This is a personal matter that necessitates personal attention to be successfully implemented. Managers must set an example for their employees in how they interact.

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Physical Communication Barriers

The workplace itself can act as a communication roadblock. Miscommunication is made easier by physical barriers in the workplace (Button & Rossera, 2019). Noise, high temperatures, cubes, walls, and locked doors are just a few examples of the various obstacles that stand in the way. As a result, workers won’t collaborate efficiently, which might lead to poor communication. Managers should watch out for such impediments and establish an office plan which fosters collaboration among personnel. Heating and cooling systems should be regulated to a suitable temperature, and any additional obstructions should be removed. Physical or manipulable things don’t necessitate complex tactics to be solved, making this a straightforward task.

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Personal Communication Barriers

The obstacles that stand in the way of a person’s success are known as personal barriers. These obstacles might either be actual or imagined (Klimova & Semradova, 2019). When time is used as an excuse for not finishing a task, it becomes a personal barrier. Fear can also be a stumbling block since it prevents us from achieving our goals. Lack of resources and energy are two other factors that can get in the way of one’s achievement. Managers must pay close attention to the individual actions of their employees if they are to recognize and address personal impediments as a manager can overcome personal barriers by increasing the level of comfort with a subject which can be accomplished by learning more about it. I will also improve my decision-making level by raising my level of awareness. To achieve long-term success, I will pay attention to even the smallest things in the organization and improve my vocabulary to provide clear and succinct messages. Lastly, I will build trust with my team members and come up with knowledge and solutions that will benefit the organization.

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