
Obesity Critical Analysis

Introduction and Analysis Obesity is one of the most complex diseases currently afflicting modern society. It is ranked high among typical medical problems that affect a large segment of the population and a source of growing concern for many health practitioners. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 652 million adults aged 18 years […]


Crises Survived by the Weimer Republic (1918-1923)

 The First World War (1914-18) ended as abruptly as it had started. Germany’s loss and consequent abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II meant that the country was now in a leadership crisis. General sentiments further exacerbated the situation, especially by people who felt that Germany had been treated somewhat unfairly by the Allied powers and deeply


Context of the Lutheran Church during Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Day and its Influence on His Teachings on Cheap and Costly Grace

Introduction  Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-45) is widely regarded as one of the most influential theologians of 20th century Europe. His firm conviction in the Christian faith motived him to become a leading puritanical voice in Germany where he made it his life’s work to instruct synods on their role in a rapidly transforming secular society. A


Consumption as a Primary Source of Self and Identity Construction

In recent years, consumption and consumer behavior have emerged as areas of great interest for researchers. One of the key elements responsible for sparking this interest is the decision made by persons to acquire a utility product with money that could have, alternatively, been spent on investments. Consumption has also led to the development of


Colonoscopy Preparation, Bowel Preparation and Recovery Process

Colonoscopy The human colon is a tubular organ that functions as a plumbing system; working continuously to eliminate waste products from the body. By operating round the clock, it maintains the body’s electrolyte balance critical for proper functionality. However, there are numerous occasion when changes occur in the colon, warranting immediate medical attention. A colonoscopy,


Capital Market Efficiency

What It Means to Have an Efficient Capital Market             An efficient capital market refers to a set-up where information on the value of securities is officially and accurately amalgamated in real time. Its primary purpose is to enable financial practitioners to stay abreast of any fluctuations that may occur and reflect in current pricing


Book Evaluation – The Great Depression by David A Shannon

The Great Depression (1929-31), as it is commonly referred to, is still remembered as the most prolonged and most ubiquitous financial crisis in the history of the United States. Its far-reaching consequences spread across Continental America and its effects felt globally. A sudden decline in economic activity and the recession that soon set in exacerbated


Molecular Genetics and Evidence for Evolution

The development of molecular genetics in the past decade has heralded a new epoch in evolutionary studies. For the first time since Darwin published his groundbreaking theory, scientists were able to depend on new parameters other than paleontology and comparative morphology when explaining the evolutionary process. Molecular genetics sought to bolster available evidence on evolution


The Age of Exploration – Annotated Bibliography

Casale, Giancarlo. “The Ottoman Age of Exploration.” 2010. Giancarlo Casale investigates the Age of Exploration through the lens of Sultan Selim of the Ottoman Empire.  Sultan Selim is still remembered by many for his exploits in the Indian Ocean and the contacts that he forged through trade and exploration. In this book, the author explores the

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