
Al-Qaeda – Annotated Bibliography

Terrorism is one of the major challenges facing governments in the world. The world is currently experiencing global and local terrorisms which have highly been strengthened by Muslims radicalization and formation of terrorist networks.  Al-Qaeda is one of radicalized Muslim groups whose mission is to promote terrorism against the western nations. The group has managed


Why Dionysos, The Latecomer God Worship is at First Resisted?

Dionysos is a Latecomer God Whose Worship is at First Resisted. Why might this be so, and what might be the reasons for his different from other Classical gods? Dionysos was an Olympian god of vegetation, wine, wild frenzy, pleasure, madness, and festivity. Dionysos was born of Semele, the human princess of Thebes and Zeus


Changing Landscape of Health care System

Shifts Currently Taking Place in the Health Care System Change of health care policies is one of the main changes taking place in the healthcare system. The passing of the 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the patient protection has significant repercussions for emergency physicians and the health care system in general (Sasson et al.,


Reasons Why Construction Industry has a Higher Fatality Rate Than Other Industries

Construction industry has been the leading industry in the number of nonfatal and fatal occupational injuries in a long period. Most of these fatalities originate form falls, being struck by objects, caught in or between, electrocution, transportation, and exposure among others. Construction involves a number of dangerous processes, heavy objects and materials, moving machinery, height


Primary Constitutional Amendments That Comprise Prisoner Complaints; 1st, 4th, 8th, and 14th – Cases

Assignment Instructions Write an essay of 750-1,000 words that details four court cases, one case for each of the four primary Constitutional Amendments that comprise most prisoner complaints; 1st, 4th, 8th, and 14th. Sample Solution – Legal Considerations in Confinement First Amendment The first constitution amendment assures freedoms regarding assembly, expression, religion, and the right


Effects of Personality, Interrogation Techniques and Plausibility in an Experimental False Confession Paradigm – Article Review Summary

Klaver, J. R., Lee, Z., & Rose, V. G. (2008).Effects of personality, interrogation techniques and plausibility in an experimental false confession paradigm.Legal and Criminological Psychology, 13.71-88. Reason for Conducting the Study The research was conducted to determine the effect of interrogation techniques, personality variables, and the alleged transgression plausibility level on the false confessions experimental

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