Polymeric Fires, Their Dangers and How To Be More Cautious At Work Place

Reflect on the dangers associated with polymeric fires and how these fires can ignite. How will you be more cautious of the dangers of polymers in your workplace? What GHS pictograms would you expect as a precaution related to these dangers?

Polymers burn at different rate and produce different amount of smoke based on the materials used to develop the polymer product. However, all polymeric fire are considerably dangerous for human health. When burnt, polymers produce different gases which are considerably dangerous. Actually it is technically said that the polymers materials do not burn, but the gas in them burn.  The gases can be highly dangerous to the peoples in the surrounding. In addition there is a molten liquid produced during the burning process which can be very dangerous if it touches an individual while hot. The burning process result to rapid polymer degradation producing combustible gases, liquids and possibly smoke. The burning is normally supported by the polymer gases in these polymers. The fire can be ignited by fire sparks, hot surfaces, open flames, though the ability to ignite may vary extensively based on involved materials. Some may ignite if put under pressure. To avoid the danger involved in polymers fire at the workplace, one should ensure that there is no fire source placed close to polymers. This will reduce chances of development of uncontrollable fire. The expected GHS pictograms include flame which is an indication that the polymers are flammables and health hazard pictorial as an indication of toxicity aspiration.    

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