Problem Oriented Policing (POP)

This type of policing argues that police officers have to work proactively in trying to find the solutions that address the crime cases in a community. The community takes part in identifying problems that need to be addressed and within the jurisdiction of the law enforcement agencies, in collaboration with the police department. Many police officers have reported to have better job satisfactions with the use problem oriented policing while handling their daily responsibilities (Perez & Normore, 2014). This type of policing uses different techniques in implementing its policies, one of them is SARA, an acronym for Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Assessment. Under scanning, officers are encouraged to categorize individual related occurrences that they are made aware of as problems and express these problems in more detailed and beneficial terms. Regarding analysis, police officers are mandated to work well on the defined problem by collecting information from various sources, including past offences and criminal records.

Concerning response, it entails the knowledge achieved in the analysis stage being used in developing and implementing effective solutions to the identified problems. The solutions may go beyond the usual traditional police reactions to include other public agencies. Under assessment, officers are required to evaluate the impact and efficiencies of their reactions. They have to find out if the original problems were solved in the long run, and in ways that do not infringe the rights of those affected by the problems (Williams, 2015). They may also use the results to come up with better strategies of handling the problems in the event that they recur in the future. One of the drawbacks of this model is that many police departments fail to embrace the philosophy and practices as required in the model because they assume it will change with time, they therefore do not allocate enough resources required for implementing it. Tagging on that, the problem solving process in the model produces solutions that may not be applied in solving other problems in other regions or environments, since it emphasizes in solving problems in the identified conditions only.

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