Public Communication Programs, Processes, Systems, Efforts, and Plans


There are many processes, efforts and various communicational procedures that take place for the purpose of public education. Many processes help in the communication of various risks that affect the public. The risk communicators, therefore, had to go through various efforts like ensuring that the languages used are appropriate and are not imposing to the public. Various efforts are pout in risk communication to ensure that the public understands what is taking place in their environment. The efforts are made in educating the public using seminars or organizing for local meetings with the affected people.  The communication to the public should be clear and concise to the people involved.

An example of a public communication tool is that developed by the World Bank that deals with the privatization programs that will help in mitigating development and development risk. Various approaches are used in the management of risks and even communicating to the affected people who are mostly affected by various environmental hazards. The various approaches are usually in dealing with the agents especially in the release, use and exposure to the various agents. Various efforts and actions are geared towards educating the public in making decisions. The various processes including being open, frank, honest and truthful. The purpose of the various efforts like honesty is to ensure that they listen and understand the public concerns and be sensitive to their needs or grievances. The rules of communication by Covello. Most people may have mistrust against the experts.



Risk Communication

The core principles of the public education are many, include mental, and trust determination theory. There are various efforts that have been progressed by eth government in the event of enraging that the various organizations dealing with chemicals and manufacturing practices educate the public on the effects of the chemicals and whether their lifestyles will be changed in any way (Sellnow, 2009). The government has through various policies and regulations the regulations and laws are set in place by the nation government and in the respective local governments. Therefore, the governments contribute greatly to the welfare of the people in putting the industries into account.  Risk research has been carried out to find out the various risks affecting most publics and how such messages can be communicated to them. Risk communication entails various aspects that provide clarity to the targeted audience and thus makes sure that the affected people get to understand the various impacts such companies may have on them. Some of the aspects are getting the numbers right, informing the public of the meaning of the numbers, explaining the meaning of the numbers, make the public conversant with the past risks that they have accepted, explain the cost versus the benefits associated with the risks, and promote respect towards the public. Lastly, the companies should collaborate with the public to ensure that there are involved in many of the workings of the companies and, therefore, increase transparency.

Theories, Processes and Efforts of Communication to tThe Public

Situation theory publics helps communication towards the intended to be effective.  The theory helps in identifying the stakeholders who should be reached out to and how communication should be carried out especially to the publics. As a result, it clearly identifies the public and then goes forward to determine whom they should be communicated to. The theory has three aspects, which are the extent of involvement, constraint recognition and problem recognition. Information processing and seeking are the core characteristics of the theory used to forecast behavior. The theory, therefore, encompasses communicative practice in dealing with various problems that may arise concerning the publics. The theory helps in making sure that risk analysis and assessment is carried out to ensure that the people understand the various risks associated with any companies operations (Crouhy et al., 2000). The company thus gets to air out the various consequences without possibly reduce the impact of the risks associated with the institutions and organizations.

The heuristics systematic model helps greatly in ensuring that the publics are educated to a greater extent. The various efforts are put into play to ensure that those who educate the public have the necessary information by using the model to predict the behavior of the publics. Another model is the deliberate process model that helps the institution and organizations identify and forecast the public’s motivation and behaviors in processing the various risk messages involved. The model centers various actions and measures that help in processing the risk messages and helping the public to understand the risks associated with the various organizations.

Risk analysis is also carried out to determine the resultant effects of various risk analysis. Risk analysis entails control, evaluation and recognition of a risk (Arvai, 2014).  Most of the areas that focused on public education include public health, geology and earth science, and environment stewardship. Therefore, the companies carry out risk analysis to ensure that they make the public and the government at large understand the various risks involved.  There are many institutions, which are involved in the disseminating important information regarding the various companies and the chemical effects.

The Red Cross organization has many branches globally and deals with related health problems. It has been instrumental in public education specifically in health related matters. The Red Cross is educated people on the various health related matters globally. The Red Cross provides information that is relevant to the communities they operate in. It is mostly centered on various disasters that take place throughout the world and help to ensure that people who are affected by various floods or natural disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes are rescued. Therefore, the Red Cross is a multifaceted organization that helps in dealing in not only dealing with not only health but also rescue and educating the public on various risks. Another approach to educating the public is the crisis and emergency risk communication. It is an emergency awareness program (Vose, 2013).


Most of the models in place and efforts usually help the institutions in ensuring that they predict the various outcomes that may happen when the public get the risk messages. The models and processes help in ensuring that the organizations come out clearing on the various negative impacts and in the prediction of the public’s behavior. As such, the public should be more involved in the decision process especially regarding companies that have extremely negative consequences should they be set up. The government should come up with legislation that is people centered and that required the companies to have the environmentally friendly and health conscious practices that ensure that the publics have little concern on these issues. Companies should, therefore, be accountable to the public in following the laid down procedures by the national government and the local governments in place.


Arvai, J. (2014). Effective risk communication. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Crouhy, M., Galai, D., & Mark, R. (2000). Risk management. New York: McGraw Hill.

Vose, D. (2013). Risk analysis: A quantitative guide. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

Sellnow, T. L. (2009). Effective risk communication: A message-centered approach. New York: Springer.

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