Research and Analysis Of Quality Philosophies

According to Deming, he believed that any company that had the desire to implement total quality in their various companies had to create a set of practices. According to him, one of his ideologies is that a company must have a consistent purpose of the desire to improve quality of products and services. Secondly, he believed that a company’s top management as the sole responsibility of communicating the purposes of the company to the employees. It is through such communications that the employees can be able to know what exactly is expected from them within that company. Moreover, if such processes are well executed then the companies can be able to maintain and improve their quality of the entire production process (Deming institute).  In his fourteen points, Deming also proposed that a company management is expected to adopt the new philosophy of the twenty first century. He believed that in the new economic age, the western leaders are supposed to awaken to the type of challenge that faces them. In relation to that, the management is supposed to learn of its responsibilities and assume leadership positions in order to steer the change process. Additionally, he believed that the management teams are supposed to drop the idea of controlling the quality process through constant inspection of the work done by employees (Deming institute). Instead the management teams should focus on the implementation of the policies of the company and letting the employees understand the same.

Juran on the other hand believed in the philosophy of building awareness among the employees on their opportunity to grow and improve within a specific company. In order to successfully implement such a plan, the top management of the company only needs to come up with a plan and set of goals needed for improvement. Such goals may either be attained or missed depending on the type of organization exhibited by the steering team. HE e argued that the leaders are supposed to creates an organized pattern of achieving such goals. Additionally, the company can be able to achieve high quality if it strives at all times to providing quality training to their employees. Companies should not allow their employees to learn how to carry out their duties from other employees who might have not been trained appropriately. In order to successfully achieve that, top leadership is supposed to instill confidence in their employees. In a number of circumstances, companies fail to achieve total quality due to the fear exhibited by the employees. Most of them normally fear to ask to questions for fear of appearing dumb or just incompetent. At times the economic losses that such a company can suffer as a result of such fear can be so immense. It is therefore important for the employees to be so confident in what they do and also feel secure through such processes.

Apart from that, Juran (1986) argued that companies are supposed to ensure that eliminate barriers that can prevent the employees from achieving their best performance at their work places. One such process is the elimination of the use of misguided supervisors who may threaten or at times give wrong directions. Additionally, faulty equipments within the workplaces may also contribute to the poor standards from the work done. Moreover, the use of defective materials may also contribute to poor standards of the work achieved by the employees within their work places (Juran, 1986). A solution to such a derail may be the introduction of new and fully functional equipments. Moreover, the entire workforce including the managers is supposed to go through an education program where they learn of new knowledge and any changes in technique (Endres, 2000).

According to Crosby, quality management is achieved through conformance to requirements rather than goodness. Moreover, he believes that prevention systems rather than appraisal systems should be put in place. Additionally, he believed that companies should set the performance standards at zero defects (Skymark website). Finally he proposed that the price of nonconformance is what should be used to measure quality rather than using indices.

Finally, Lewis (1937) came up with a philosophy where he stated that quality can be attained by creating a system that tolerates no errors, meaning the entire process should have zero defects. The primary purpose of such a system is to create a system that products perfect goods and services for the customers. He also asserted that the end product reaching the customer should only be transferred if only it meets the specifications stated within the policies of that working station.

Out of the four philosophies presented by the different philosophers, there are a number of them that can be very relevant in the current industries. First, Lewis idea of passing perfect goods and services to the customers is absolutely important. The main idea of production is to serve the customers with the end products. In most cases, customers rate the competency of the company based on the quality of either the goods or services they get from such workstations. If a company constantly produces defective products then chances are high that they may lose the loyalty of their customers. Losing the customers might as well be detrimental to the profit making business of the company both in the short term and long term.



Endres, A. (2000). Implementing Juran’s road map for quality leadership: benchmarks and results. New York NY: John Wiley.

Deming Institute. The Fourteen Points for the Transformation of Management. Web. Http:// Accessed 26 June, 2015

Joseph Juran (1986). Total Quality Management. Prentice Hall

Lewis, Ireland (1937). Quality Management for Projects and Programs. Boulevard Institute

Skymark. Philip Crosby: The Fun Uncle of the Quality Revolution. Web. Http:// Accessed 26 June, 2015.

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