Search Results for: learning


Comparing Human Memory to Computer Memory

Learning would be of little use or meaningless if what was learned cannot at least be remembered at a later stage or after sometime. The process of remembering, recalling or retrieval of information in human memory can be compared to the file retrieval from a hard drive in a computer. Studies on human memory have […]


Strategies to Facilitate English Language Development

The four domains in English Language Development (ELD) of listening, speaking, reading and writing are crucial in acquisition of conversational and literacy skills. Whereas listening and reading are receptive skills involved in encoding, speaking and writing are productive skills involved in decoding; with the productive skills being more difficult to acquire. However, the four domains


English Language Learners Assessments

Assessments serves as informative and important tool for tutors of English language learners. Assessments are conducted at intervals and various stages in order to determine a progress of a student during learning process. Specifically, English language learners assessments are conducted to precisely understand how an individual student has knowledge of English language (Piper, 2015). The


Persuasion Campaign for Online Education

The growth in economy of the United States has coincided with an increase in demand for education. Although some sectors of economy have been affected by recession and harsh economic times, education continues to witness unprecedented growth. However, learning opportunities of American students have historically been shown to be shaped by factors beyond their control.


Types and Functions of Neurotransmitters and Hormones

The neuron structure is made up of four different morphological regions. They include presynaptic terminals, axons, dendrites and the cell body (Neuron-Neurotransmitters, personal communication, n.d.). The study of the nervous system aids in the understanding of the human psychology within the basis of biology. The neural communication is essential in the transmission of impulses through


Biological, Sociological and Psychological Criminological Theories

Biological theories             Biological theories of criminality focus on examining criminal behavior that caused by the biological makeup of a person. The biological makeup of a person include physical flaws such as heredity, neurotransmitter dysfunction, brain abnormalities resulting from trauma or improper development. Some of the studies present biological factors such as genetic, neurological, biochemical

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