Servant Leadership Research Annotated Bibliography

Achieving High Organizational Performance through Servant Leadership

            The concept of leadership has developed over the decades, and researchers in the field of organizational leadership have developed numerous leadership models (Brewer, 2010). However, there are still debates as to which model creates effective organizational leadership, while promoting high performance. Although transformational and transactional leadership models have are associated with effective organizational performance, numerous researches have shown that servant leadership is the most effective model for achieving high organizational performance. The model provides the best leadership focus and high workforce productivity.

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Annotated Bibliography 

Gregory Stone, A., Russell, R. F., & Patterson, K. (2004). Transformational versus servant leadership: a difference in leader focus. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 25(4), 349–361.

Gregory Stone, Russell, & Patterson, (2004) authored the article, which makes a comparative analysis of servant and transformational leadership. Although transformational and servant leadership are seen as the excellent forms of leadership for excellent organizational success, the authors found that it is the difference in the leader focus that actually differentiates the two leadership models.

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The source will be useful in developing an understanding of the difference between servant and transformational leadership. The article will provide invaluable information in understanding why servant leadership is hailed as the modern complete form of organizational leadership for high organizational performance.

Hannay, M. (n.d.). The Cross-Cultural Leader : The Application of Servant Leadership Theory in the International Context. Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies, 1–12.

Hannay (n.d.) makes an overview of the characteristics of servant leaders, while analyzing the application of the model in a cross-cultural organizational environment. The author identifies empowerment as the most important element of servant leadership. Using the work of Hofestede, the author reviews the application of the leadership models across different organizational cultures.

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The article will provide invaluable information in understanding the applicability of the leadership model across cultures. The view will be particularly useful in creation of an understanding as to why the model is a universally acceptable model of leadership.

McCann, J. T., Graves, D., & Cox, L. (2014). Servant Leadership, Employee Satisfaction, and Organizational Performance in Rural Community Hospitals. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(10).           

The journal article explores the relationship between servant leadership and organizational performance. Focusing on rural hospital setting, the authors explore how servant leadership influences employee motivation, satisfaction and patient satisfaction. The article will be useful in determining how servant leadership influences organizational employees and the recipient of their services and how it contributes to overall organizational growth and performance.

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Melchar, D. E., & Bosco, S. M. (2010). Achieving High Organization Performance through Servant Leadership. The Journal of Business Inquiry, 9(1), 74–88.

            Melchar & Bosco, (2010), wrote the article and it investigated whether managers in high-profit organizations could develop other servant leaders with similar characteristics. The study involved big organizations in the US with excellent tract records of customer services. The article would be useful in analyzing the relationship between the servant leadership among managers and their influence on other organizational junior employees in creation of high performance.

Turner College of Business. (2015). Servant Leadership: Theory & Practice. Journal of Servant Leadership, Theory and Practice, 2(1), 1–104.

            The article investigates the use of servant leadership, while highlighting the theoretical concepts that underlie the leadership model. The article will provide useful information on the extend and impact of servant leadership on the performance of multilevel organizations.

Van Winkle, B., Allen, S., DeVore, D., & Winston, B. (2014). The Relationship Between the Servant Leadership Behaviors of Immediate Supervisors and Followers’ Perceptions of Being Empowered in the Context of Small Business. Journal of Leadership Education, 13(3), 70–82.

Van Winkle, Allen, DeVore, & Winston authored the article, which was a study done among the small businesses in order to determine the impact of empowerment among the employees. Empowerment is one of the tenets of servant leadership and this would provide a better understanding on how empowerment leads to high performance among the organizational employees. Moreover, the article shall provide a better understanding of the correlation between servant leadership, employee motivation and the perceived performance.

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Vondey, M. (2010). The Relationships among Servant Leadership, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Person-Organization Fit, and Organizational Identification. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 6(1), 1–25.

Vondey, authored the article, which explores the relationship between organizational citizenship and servant leadership. The article points that the development of the organizational citizenship is one of the major merits of servant leadership, which is positively correlated with organizational employee lower turnover and high performance. Therefore, the article will provide invaluable information in development of an understanding on the relationship between employee development of ownership, performance and the way in which servant leadership can influence citizenship behaviour and thus positively affect organizational performance.

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