Sexually Transmitted Diseases Investigation – Case of 24 Year Old Jane

Sexually transmitted diseases (STI) are among the leading public health concerns in both resource-limited and rich settings. Sexually transmitted infection is mostly asymptomatic and can result in a diverse complication. STIs screening’s primary objective is to determine and treat infected individuals before they develop complexities and determine, test, and treat their intimate partner to prevent reinfection and transmission. Since young individuals are at high risk of contracting asymptomatic STIs, young people should regularly present themselves to clinics for STI examination. This paper seeks to investigate STIs using a 24 years old girl as the case study.

Risk examination through habitual sexual histories is essential to suitably target at-risk persons for sexually transmitted infection (STI). This examination includes examining risk factors that position persons at maximized risk for STIs, such as past or current STIs’ history or multiple sex partner history (Salerno, et al.2013)). Beside certain behavioral risk factors, examination should also focus on demographic factors that are related with increase STIs’ prevalence. According to the case study, Jane behavioral risk factor for STIs include multiple partners and inconsistent condom use as they irritate her. Multiple partners increase the chances of STIs, such as chlamydia. The inconsistent use of condoms exposes Jane to STIs infection. Jane also falls under certain risk groups with increased STIsprevalence, includingyoung age since she is 24, and in the last 12 months, she had a lesbian partner. Young people are sexually active, increasing their chances of contracting infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Lesbianism increases chances for gonorrhea transmissions among ladies because gonorrhea is frequently asymptomatic among ladies. Jane also uses illicit drugs such as alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette. Illicit drugs are associated with STIs as they alter sexual behavior, leading to casual sexual behavior.

Susan’s sexual history and current signs and symptoms, including postcoital bleeding, sore throat, suggest that she might have a sexually transmitted disease, fever, and yellow discharge by the cervix. This primary diagnosis includes laboratory test can be used to identify the cause and determine other possible confections. Laboratory tests include other examinations include taking urine tests and swabs inside the cervix to identify Chlamydia and gonorrhea(Wi et al., .2019)). A throat culture is carried with the laboratory to identify gonorrhea. A blood sample is examined to identify syphilis and HIV. Pap test is used to check for abnormal cells within the cervix. This test is used to identify human papillomavirus (HPV), an STI that can cause cervical cancer.

 The additional question I would ask Susan includes one the type of sexual contact she practices, such as oral, anal, or genital. This question will assist in determining the significant level of risk minimization counseling. I will also ask Susan if any of her former or current partners have ever been treated for an STD. This question will assist Susan’s perception of her own risk and her intimate partner’s risk and STD s testing issues. Another important question I would ask Susan is whether she knew if her partner has other sexual partners. This question will assist in determining the Susan level of risk to STIs. And then, as the last question, I would ask Susan if she has any questions concerning her body. This question will assist in revealing other undiscovered symptoms.

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 I would ask for the types of symptoms, including whether Susan has an odd discharge from her virginal or if she is experiencing burn or pain while peeing. Chlamydia causes burn or pain while peeing due to inflammation that occurs in the urinary tract. Chlamydia and gonorrhea discharge are frequently yellow and are accompanied by a strong smell (Kinghorn et al., .2016). Chlamydia also causes abnormal virginal bleeding after sex and between periods.  Other symptoms that I will ask for include painful blisters around the vagina, which will indicate the presence of herpes. Itching, painful burning, and greenish discharge genitals will indicate the presence of trichomoniasis. Small fresh bumps and growth on the genitals indicate the presence of genital warts.

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Based on the preemptive diagnosis, treatment options for STI includes treatment antibiotic. A single dose of antibiotics can cure several sexually transmitted parasitic and bacterial infections, including trichomoniasis, chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea. Similarly, chlamydia and gonorrhea should be treated simultaneously because mostly these infectious occur together. The patient should also abstain from sex for the next seven days after completing antibiotics to make sure that any sore has healed. After testing positive STIs, intimate partners, including former partners and current partners associated with in the last year, must be tested and treated if found infected. I would recommend a laboratory chlamydia test can be carried using a urine sample and swab from virginal. Both chlamydia and gonorrhea are tested the same way. Yearly diagnostic tests are recommended for ladies below 24 years.

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