Social Psychology Advertisement Analysis


The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to think critically about advertisements and gender. We are exposed to hundreds of ads every day, so much so that we are often unaware of the advertisements that surround  us. Many of these ads have explicit or implicit gender messages. This assignment requires that you select two advertisements and critically examine its gender message.


We have begun discussing beliefs about gender as well as the process of gender typing. Social psychological  research on gender suggest that our ethnicity/race, culture, families, movies, advertisements and other media influence our thinking about gender and gender stereotypes. This assignment focuses specifically on  advertisements. Browse through magazines, newspapers, the internet, or other media that communicate pop  culture and select images that evoke something about gender.


Once you have selected at least four images, consider the message, what it says about gender (or women/men, in particular) and  how it communicates this message. Also consider aspects of this  image that provide an accurate view of how women and/or men  are, and aspects that provide an inaccurate view of how  women/men are. Write a 3-4 page paper (typed, double  spaced). This paper should include an introduction and a  conclusion, have the images attached, and address the following  questions:
  • What is the difference between sex and gender?
  • How do we learn about gender roles? (Use specific theories from the chapter!)
  • How did you learn about gender?
  • For each ad/image: What is depicted in the image? (pretend I can’t see it!)
  • Gendered message: What does this image say about gender, and how does it say this? That is, what is the gender message that is communicated in this image? Be detailed and use precise language.
  • What is a gendered stereotype?
  • What is correct? What aspects of this image (including or excluding the message) seem accurate to you? That is, what parts of the image reflect how women and/or men really are?
  • What is incorrect? What aspects of this image (including or excluding the message) seem inaccurate to you? That is, what parts of the image reflect a gender stereotype that you believe is inaccurate, or a message that is just wrong?
  • What would Greenberg say about gender stereotypical images?
  • What did you learn about yourself and your perception of gender after reading the chapter?

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