
Discover essential academic resources on Ethics. Delve into moral philosophy, ethical frameworks, and current debates to enrich your scholarly pursuits.


Business Ethics and Virtue Ethics – Mattel Inc Case Study

Analytical and very critical assessment of the processes and corporate structure needs an organization to conduct moral and ethical screening relating to their systems and policies or particularly code of direction which directs them to ethics are incorporated in the social code of conduct of a firm or organization. Mattel Inc. is among the prominent […]


Business Ethics and Deontology Ethics in Adelphia Communications Scandal

Business Ethics And Deontology Ethics Assignment Instructions Part 1 – Case Study  In the Module 1 Case, we will be exploring the means by which deontological ethics may be used as a useful theoretical lens through which an organization’s sense of business ethics may be critically assessed. Drawing upon deontological ethics, discuss how Adelphia Communications’


Nursing Ethics and Medical Futility on Organ Transplant

Introduction The first successful organ transplant was undertaken in 1954 between two identical twins. Since then organ transplant has become one of the most important procedures to treat diseases that are otherwise considered untreatable. Organ transplantation provides patients with a gift of life when vital organs fail. Organ transplant requires other people – to dead


Packaging That Reflects Organization’s Goals, Ethics, Values – Presentation

Your client wants a few ideas on how to capture the customer’s attention. Prepare a presentation for your client that represents packaging that reflects the organization’s goals, ethics, and values. Your presentation will include the following: Slide 1: Provide a brief description of the product’s current packaging (include a photo of the product). Slide 2: Provide an analysis


What is Ethics And What Ethics is Not

WHAT IS ETHICS? Ethics refers to standards of behavior that tell us how human beings ought to act in the many situations in which they find themselves-as friends, parents, children, citizens, businesspeople, teachers, professionals, and so on. According to The National Institute of Health: “Ethics seeks to determine what a person should do, or the


The Success of Business Ethics

A moral philosophy that would allow one to systematize, defend, and develop concepts of right and wrong behavior is how James Fieser defines ethics in his 2014 article (Fieser 2014). For over ten years ethics has been present in our society, in fact ethics have been a sector of philosophy for centuries (Morrison 2011). More


Evolution of Business Ethics – OMM 640

This paper A Summary of The Development of Business Ethics Over the Past Several Decades The field of business ethics has undergone major growth throughout time, tracking the evolving landscape of corporate obligations, liability, and societal influence. The history of business ethics is clearly demonstrated in courses like OMM 640 “Evolution of Business Ethics.” This


Technology Influence on Ethical Decision-making in Healthcare

The ethical implications of integrating technology in healthcare are the possible dilemmas and consequences that emerge from the advancement and incorporation of new technologies, which have the potential to affect the environment, society, and individuals positively and negatively. According to Sivasubramanian Balasubramanian (2023), in healthcare technology is very dynamic and therefore can move fast and

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