
Explore comprehensive insights into the prison system, including inmate rights, rehabilitation programs, and the impact of incarceration on society.


Prisons Privatization Discussion Questions With Sample Answers

In light of the economic struggles that many states are facing today, every area of the criminal justice system is coming under scrutiny, especially as it relates to the expenditures of taxpayer monies. One of the most hotly contested areas is that of the privatization of prisons. Respond to the following questions, and support your […]


Should Prisons be Privatized? – NO

CJUS675 – Privatization of Prisons – Argumentative Essay Instructions For this assignment, research and present the arguments for and against the privatization of prisons. Offer your policy position on the privatization of prisons either for or against, and under what circumstances. Include a title page, abstract, and separate reference page. Note: Be careful in selecting your


Stanford Prison Experiment Analysis Paper

Brief review of the study Stanford prison experiment was the idea of Philip Zimbardo which was executed in 1971 at the basement of Jordan Hall in the psychology building on the Stanford University campus. The classical experiment recruited 24 male participants who were assigned either as a prisoner or prison guard which was the two


Prisoner Intake Assessment

The prisoner intake process at prison facilities is important in that plays three pertinent roles: identification, classification, and needs assessment. These stages involve prisoner identification, development of prisoners’ record, carrying out of mental health and medical assessments, determination of the prisoners’ level of threat and appropriate security requirements to keep other inmates and the public


Violent Risk Assessment United States Prisons

Violence Risk Assessment The United States prison is one of the largest in the world. The rate of mental illness among the incarcerated offenders is disproportionately represented, with over 50% of the prisoners having mental illness, compared to the 11% of the general population (Hoke, 2015). The increased risk to violence among the incarcerated population


Privatization of Prisons – Advantages And Disadvantages

Privatization of prisons The emergence of private corporations operating and owning prisons at the beginning of the 20th Century becomes a controversial issue which faces factors favor of it in equal measures with its critiques. As argued by Sellers (2007), the complication in the “prison industrial complex” depicts the impacts of the privatization of prisons


United States Prison System History Discussion

The U.S. has the largest number of people in its prisons. Despite the fact that the U.S. population accounts for a mere 5% of the global population, it accounts for 25% of the global population of prisoners. This shows that the American criminal justice system is heavily reliant on incarceration. Therefore, it is pertinent to


RUA Course Project SOCS 350N – African Americans’ Overrepresentation in Prisons

Introduction African American males are excessively represented in America’s incarcerated population. According to a report published by the US Justice Department, in 2003, the males, specifically those aged between 25 and 29, were overly represented in the country’s prisons. It appears that the report is geared towards triggered a national discussion on the disparities that


A Plan for Addressing Prisoner Litigation

The prison in the present case is widely associated with a high number of prisoner litigation over a number of years. A study established that many prisoners sue the prison owing to the substandard living conditions it affords inmates, the abuses that guards subject prisoners to, and incoherent prisoner discipline practices. The conditions are typified

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