

A Reflection Up Role of the State

Political philosophy entails the study of fundamental questions pertaining the state, government, politics, liberty, justice and enforcement of legal code by authority. These are the accepted code of conduct applied to groups of people and discuss how society should be set and how individuals opt to act within a society. Rights such as right to […]


Significance Of Core Values To An Individual And Organization

Values refers to  a set of guidelines  that regulates the conduct of employees in an organization, an organization is thought to be in order  especially when the moral direction of business is practiced, the mission and vision  statements  gives direction and energy to individual  hence form a basis of morale building. They express the integrity


Creating a Podcast Project – Reflection

Many people agree that podcasting is the right tool for freeing listeners from the shackles of schedules and monotony that are normally the order of the day. They also agree that it is a perfect way of reaching out to an audience that often misses out on quality broadcasts, either on the radio or on


Sound Walk Reflection

A sound walk can be referred to as a listening exercise that assists individuals to become aware of their surrounding’s acoustic environment. Generally, sound walk includes all excursions which their main purpose is environmental listening.  Sound walk mostly take place in wilderness, countryside, town and other various mediated areas. The exercise can be done either


Facing Death Film Reflection

Introduction In the past, limited treatment options give patients, families, and medical professionals little leeway to decide on keeping patients alive or letting them die as the progression of the disease would almost always make this decision of them. Today, advancements in technological innovation have enhance the capabilities of modern medicine. An increased range of


Reflection on Organizational Change

Organizational change is that process where organizations make transitions in their current structures, strategies, technologies, or culture, and it can be continuous or occurring on distinctive time. Managing change can be quite challenging due to employee resistance and the cost incurred by the organization while at the same time maximizing effectiveness in the company. Therefore,


Culture Shock Reflection Paper

Assignment Instructions Think about a time when you were immersed in a new culture or co-culture. Write a 250-500 word reflection, addressing the following: Explain the circumstances surrounding your immersion in a new culture/co-culture. What was the reason for your trip/experience? Identify the stages of culture shock present in your experience of the new culture/co-culture.

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