Supply Chain


Toyota Supply Chain Challenges in Post-Earthquake Japan

Introduction Japan has for a long time been known as the major source of the automotive product in the world. It holds four major automotive manufacturing plants in the world. These companies include Toyota, Mazda, Nissan and Honda. In this regard, the March 2011 earthquake that took place in Japan affected the world automotive industry […]


Amazon Supply Chain Management Analysis

Effective supply chain management is the backbone of every successful e-commerce business. It refers to all the interlinked processes that are required to manufacture and deliver products to consumers. It involves the development of an integrated system to manage procurement, coordination and scheduling. Furthermore, effective supply chain management requires that all procurement, production, deliveries and


Dell’s Supply Chain

Why Dell’s supply chain strategy is successful Back in the 1990s, Dell became one of the leading companies to use its supply chain management efficiently. This was based on its direct model, which translated the make-to-stock idea to make-to-order strategy (Blanchard, 2012). This strategy assisted the company in reducing its cycle times to the level

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