Search engines are becoming the new libraries. For teaching and learning purposes, a student has to be careful what information from search engines such as Google, Yahoo Answers, Ask Jeeves, and many others that they choose to use. Teachers, lecturers, and professors will be quick to reject “Googled papers” as they will cite a lack of effort on the student’s part. A student should change tack in their use of search engines for research and schoolwork to be efficient in their school work. Part of changing tact should include knowing the best search engines for school work.

Furthermore, a student after good grades will often deviate from the school’s online library to acquire more information, especially for research papers. It shows and proves effort, hard work, and the submitted work will be authentic and original.
Thence, which are the best search engines for school work?
Google Scholar
Google is by far the most popular search engine in the world. Using it for school work and academic research can be a hassle because of the vast amount of information. Sorting through all the results pages for relevance and accuracy can take up a lot of time, and that’s where Google Scholar comes in. The search engine grants access to a vast pool of academic resources. The webpages and links contain relevant and accurate:
- Studies Journals
- Books and
- Other reliable scholarly resources.
It works similar to the Google search engines, has the same layout, and uses keywords to sort information. Couple it with Google Books, and you have the most accessible library in the world. It doesn’t need you to create an account on the platform to access its content.
Research Gate
This search engine, launched in 2008, boasts of having 130 + million publications accessible to its over 20 million users. Research Gate is a professional network founded by physician Dr. Ijad Madisch, Dr. Soren Hofmayer, and computer scientist Horst Fickenscher. Research Gate states that its mission, “to connect the world of science and make research open to all.” The search engine also offers a platform for social interaction among users that aids in progressing research and exchanging research information and different points of view.
Currently, the vast majority of researchers provide academic information on biology and medicine.
It also contains these scholarly niches:
- Computer science
- Engineering, and,
- Psychology
For science-based researchers and students looking to pursue science subjects, Research Gate is the best search engine.
Microsoft Academic
This search engine has one of the best if not the best user experience among scholar search engines. Microsoft Academic identifies contents of searches as entities. These entities include
- Publications
- Authors
- Topics
- Journals, and
- Institutions
- Conferences
The above are subdivided into different categories making sorting out information easy.
The Conferences entity offers info about publication venues and indexes conferences that publish proceedings and therefore have discoverable publications on the web. The search engine also gives live updates, meaning the academic resources on Microsoft Academic are kept up to date hence very relevant for research work and school reports.
Microsoft Academic boasts 264,286,492 publications, 273,645,368 authors, and 49,038 journals as of August 2021. You can access the search engine without having to sign up or sign in. However, for an optimized user experience signing up would be the best option as it stores recent searches and creates a better search environment for you.
Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
As the name suggests, ERIC is known for academic information for aspiring teachers and professionals in the education field. Dubbed online digital library of education research and information, it provides a comprehensive, user-friendly, searchable, internet-based bibliographic and full-text database of education research and information for teachers, researchers, and the general public. ERIC aims to improve teaching, learning, and educational decision-making. It offers access to 1.5 bibliographic records of journal articles and other education-related materials. The materials are available in Adobe PDF format.
From its foundation in 1966 up to its evolution into a search engine, it has built a vast collection of;
- Journal articles
- Books
- Research syntheses
- Conference papers
- Dissertations
- Technical reports
- Policy papers, and
- Other education-related materials.
Semantic Scholar
This search engine uses AI and engineering to understand the semantics of scientific knowledge. Semantic Scholar eases the challenges of having an ocean of information online and sorting it to find the correct research relevant to you. It directs you to the most relevant information, helps overcome information overload. Semantic Scholar studies information overload and develops tools AI tools to overcome it. Such a tool is TLDR, which automatically generates single-sentence paper summaries. Such a tool lessens the time spent looking for relevant information and aids researchers and scholars narrow down what to read and use for research.
Using a combination of the above search engines, a student and or researcher can efficiently and effectively research, write and turn in papers that are high quality and good grade worthy.
UniqueWritersBay is an academic resource that offers a hands-on and interactive experience for learners and researchers. The platform provides research assistance for students and or researchers who are inexperienced in writing academic papers. It guides in finding relevant and correct content for academic papers, formatting, referencing, use of grammar, and any other academic tasks.
Additionally, UniqueWritersBay contains a wide variety of academic papers that fall under:
- Research papers
- Essays
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- Dissertations
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