The Role Of Policy Analysts And Their Environment

To ensure that the policy making process is comprehensive, policy analysts inaugurate policy and assess the productivity of various programs (Bardach, 2016). Some get involved in decision-making courses to assist in deciding relationships between the private sector and the government. In general, policy analysts determine specific policies which are likely to achieve the set goals in reference to the relations between the policies themselves and the goals. And all this brings forth influential political and social changes within their decision-making techniques.

However, the public principles on which social laws get based can get prejudiced by thepresence of different stakeholders. Since public policy by definition, lies in every political process, individual parties, either inside or outside the political process, usually attempt to exert their powers and influence so as to match both the content and direction of public policy with their interests (Maguire & Okada, 2011, p.249). This partisanship ends up setting aside the supposed democratic process of the political system to guarantee that issues dear to the political majorities get enacted into law.As a result, policy analysts, in the midst of instant communication, political gridlock, and lobbying interests, use certain tools and techniques to ensure practicality and objectivity. They include side-by-side tables, determination of evidence-base for every policy, assessment of thepolitical feasibility of alternatives, cost-benefit analysis, among others.

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