Toxic Handler Role In Organizational Change

Change is an unavoidable reality that organizations now have to contend with in contemporary times. Acclimatizing to this new environment requires organizations to follow a series of crucial steps to ultimately achieve success. Nevertheless, managers still have to prepare for resistance to change.  Identifying dissenting voices is, therefore, essential when seeking to ascertain key issues of concern and leaders tasked with managing this change. As a toxic handler, I would serve an important role during this period of change, encounter frequent emerging challenges and execute fitting steps to address them.

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Describe the Toxic Handler Concept

The concept of a toxic handler within an organization describes the act of designating integral management responsibilities to specific individuals supervising employees. A toxic handler is particularly invaluable when organizations experience change since they provide integral skills to aid employees in coping with stress. They are the first line of defense whenever problems emerge and are expected to always lend a listening ear to their subordinates. Change has been known to evoke a wide range of emotions, ranging from bitterness, anger and frustration (Myers et al., 2012). Within this state, employees are bound to make irrational impulsive decisions driven by anxiety. A toxic handler, is therefore, tasked with providing solutions to any of the concerns raised during this transition period.  Necessary changes are, typically, implemented by toxic handlers who then proceed to ensure that an appropriate framework is identified for execution.  It is also worth noting that a toxic handler should always provide a sense of direction to employees and foster a positive outlook for future success.

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            Moreover, a toxic handler provides a sense of leadership and always required to control scenarios that present evident challenges to employees.   Persons in the upper tier of management typically volunteer to serve as toxic handlers. This often means only individuals with the organization’s wellbeing at heart occupy this position and, thus, channel all their focus in ensuring that employees are empowered to perform their duties.  Seeking and evaluating concerns also aids the process of change. Employees are comprehensively updated on the importance of change, which then ensures they gain an understanding of the integral nature of this phase and can fully participate. A toxic handler also plays the role of a conduit between employees and upper management, allowing them to relay concerns. It is also the responsibility of a toxic handler to manage negative criticism from upper management and settle any conflict of ideas

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Preparing to be a Toxic Handler

            Serving as a toxic handler requires one to prepare suitably to guide fellow employees smoothly during change. It entails identifying challenges that are most likely to be encountered and briefing employees to prepare them beforehand. Becoming a toxic handler also means that one has to gain a proper understanding of all responsibilities and how to perform at optimum level on assignments (Nedelko & Brzozowski, 2019, p. 33). The collection of data is also crucial during this process since it enables them to develop fitting countermeasures to address resistance to the change initiative. A toxic should also bear skills that enable them to prepare employees mentally for the arduous task of organizational change.  Preparing to be a toxic handler also entails treating concerns by employees with the seriousness they deserve and addressing them in a timely fashion. This enables an organization to push its agenda to change and bridge any emerging gaps between subordinate employees and upper management. It is, thus, to gain the trust of individuals who will be subjected to change and support the organization in achieving long-term success

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Biggest Challenges Faced when Serving as a Toxic Handler

            One of the major challenges faced when serving as a toxic handler is being overwhelmed by responsibility. The taxing nature of this position means that individuals occupying this position are prone to experiencing regular burnouts during the course of their work. It is for this very reason that toxic handler should be individual who express a great deal of mettle and mental grit. Success can only be achieved through determination and a clear understanding of the limitations of the concepts being implemented. Similarly, a toxic handler should always be prepared to ask for assistance when faced with occupational challenges when operationalizing change (Vogel et al., 2017). A toxic hander is the key to success during organizational change.  It is for this very reason that they are required to remain cognizant of their wellbeing so as to function at optimum level. The organization in question must also identify and establish an appropriate support system that bolsters the capabilities of a toxic leader and support them during their work. A toxic handler should also be subjected to intensive training to build their capacity and to equip them with essential tools to cope with the demanding nature of their job.

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Organizations experiencing change face the strenuous task of responding appropriately to this condition. The presence of a toxic handler helps manage the stress associated with this period, ultimately guiding the trajectory of any change initiative implemented. A toxic handler should prepare for this position to assure the organization of success, especially when faced with emerging challenges.

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