What is Your Philosophy of Nursing?

What is your philosophy of nursing? Examine how a personal philosophy of nursing  influences doctoral level nursing practice. Describe your philosophy of nursing. Discuss how your philosophy of nursing will influence your role as a doctorate of nursing practice-prepared nurse. 

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Defining one’s personal philosophy of nursing represents a significant step in the profession. According to Brencick & Webster (2014), aspiring nurses and those seeking to advance within their careers should develop a set of ideas while remaining aware of their influence on their decisions. Owing to my altruistic disposition, I have always endeavored to care for individuals in need and the primary reason why I eventually pursued a career in nursing.  My philosophy of nursing is based on medical principles that combine compassionate care with the development of strong interpersonal relationships with patients. Consequently, it focuses on providing holistic care while ensuring patients are also empowered in the process. A discussion of this philosophy of nursing is, therefore, essential in addition to an examination of its influence on doctoral level nursing practice and impact on my role as a doctorate of nursing practice-prepared nurse.

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            The primary objective of my personal philosophy of nursing is the promotion of health while providing holistic care to patients. Care goes hand in hand with the nursing profession which is why it is imperative to focus on various aspects of human dignity when taking care of patients. Its influence on doctoral level nursing practice lies in its emphasis on using medical knowledge to institute care procedures and implement best practices. Furthermore, my personal nursing philosophy espouses continual research to ensure that one continues learning and is proficient within the field.  A doctoral level nursing practitioner should adopt constructive attributes such as a compassionate care outlook while also making sure that they gain a deeper understanding of their patient’s values.

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Connecting with individual patients will enable a practitioner to hone their care skills and strive to safeguard patient’s wellbeing at all costs. Nurses should always adopt a self-sacrificing attitude when attending to patients and providing holistic nursing care (Boykin & Nursing, 2015). My personal philosophy is bound to encourage patient participation in the care process, fostering a collaborative relationship significant for their wellbeing.  Developing trust between patients ensures their values are always under consideration during treatment, while gaining an understanding of their perspectives.     

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My personal philosophy of nursing will also have a major impact on my role as a doctorate nursing practice-prepared nurse. Valuing individual patients will encourage the adoption of various aspects of ethical responsibility when providing care to patients. This ensures that patients receive a high quality of care which eventually assures them of the best possible outcome. Furthermore, my philosophy of nursing will also develop crucial relationships with other healthcare professionals tasked with providing care to patients. Open and honest conversations about the quality of the care on offer will encourage healthcare professionals to strive for the introduction of measures to serve patient’s needs.

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As a doctorate nursing practice-prepared nurse, my personal philosophy of nursing will encourage inter-professional collaborate practices for all parties involved. Teamwork is an essential element of the nursing profession and critical to patient care.  Maintaining a positive attitude also creates an ideal work environment where everyone involved can communicate and develop workable solutions to solve any emerging issue plaguing the facility. Elements of my philosophy of nursing express my dedication to public service and providing for my community’s needs. As an important resource to the community, my doctorate nursing expertise will be reliable to patients in need and in line with my vision for the practice.

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