Why Marxist Communism Failed – Christian Perspective

From a Christian perspective, why did Marxist communism fail?

From a Christian point of view, Marxism failed primarily because of its atheistic perspective. Despite philosophies that are in many ways compatible to Christian ethics, both Marx himself, and the governments that chose to govern on the basis of his philosophies, expressly forbade the practice of religion. Marxist believed that under capitalism, man is alienated from other men and from himself. According to Marxist, man can only overcome alienation by doing away with private property and creating a communist society. Socialist economic policy reflects that notion by attempting to equalize the distribution of wealth and stronger governmental economic controls. As Christians God warns us not to use coervice power from the state to bend society into conformity with his kingdom. Not to fall prey to the secular myth that the state can transform you. The state can influence behavior by taking peoples property, livelihood, and families. But as shown in the rapid disappearance of communism philosphy’s influence on Eastern Europe in the 1900’s.

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