3 Emerging Technologies and their Impact on Patient Management

Several emerging technologies will contribute and shape thefuture delivery of contemporary health care. Less invasive and more accurate tools for diagnostics and treatment, genetics and genomics, electronic healthcare records are an example of some of the emerging technologies that will have an impact on patient management and revolutionize nursing practice. The potential in lowering cost and patient risk are the main advantages of minimally invasive and non-invasive tools for diagnostics and treatment. Less invasive and more accurate tools for diagnostics and treatment include an array of innovative approaches. For instance, vaccines for some types of cancer, scanning and imaging technologies that may eventually lead to the elimination of invasive procedures and exploratory surgery, magnets for treating major depression and tattoos that monitor blood glucose(Huston, 2013).

Genetics and genomics hold great promise in accurate and quick diagnostic, treatment and in the prevention of disease since most health conditions and disease risk have a genetic and / or genomic element that is influenced by lifestyle or environmental factors among others. This understanding leads to the conclusion that in developing the treatments and therapies for these health conditions then the genetic and/or genomic elements will have to be taken into consideration for the best outcomes. Genetic testing has great predictive value due to its enhanced abilities in the determination of carrier status and identification of gene mutations that put people at risk of developing certain diseases(Huston, 2013). The predictive value of genetic testing implies that preventive medicine, interventional medicine and genomic-based medicine will dominate healthcare systems in the future where patients will be treated not for conditions they have developed but for conditions they have the likelihood of developing.

As technology advances, health records continue to evolve making it possible to access a patient’s health history digitally from multiple locations and sources such as health agencies, clinics, and hospitals. Patient outcomes are improved significantly when theright patient health data is captured and utilized in a timely manner. Despite the increased level of accessibility, the electronic health record databases and platforms are secured with internal safeguards to ensure that security and confidentiality are assured as regards the health information of a patient(Huston, 2013).When accessibility and delivery of health care are improved by advancing technological tools, the cost of treatment is lowered while patient engagement is increased. As these tools continue to evolve and as they become more diverse, the benefits are increased and become more pronounced which makes it imperative for healthcare providers to invest and integrate the latest technologies both in their long-term and short-term strategies.

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