Major Attacks on the Christian Foundations of America According to Tim Goeglein

The Christian foundations of America have been a subject of much debate, particularly when it comes to their role in the nation’s identity and governance. According to Tim Goeglein, a prominent author and advocate for Christian values in the public square, there have been significant attacks on these foundations. In his view, these attacks have attempted to erode the religious and moral underpinnings that have historically shaped the United States. This essay will explore three major attacks on the Christian foundations of America as outlined by Goeglein, highlighting the implications for society, governance, and cultural identity.

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Secularism in Public Education

One of the most significant attacks on the Christian foundations of America, according to Tim Goeglein, is the rise of secularism in public education. Goeglein argues that the systematic removal of prayer, Bible readings, and Christian moral teachings from schools has contributed to the erosion of Christian influence on the younger generation. He traces this trend back to pivotal Supreme Court rulings in the 1960s, such as Engel v. Vitale (1962), which banned state-mandated prayer in public schools, and Abington School District v. Schempp (1963), which ended Bible readings in public education.

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Goeglein contends that these decisions reflect a broader attempt to exclude religious principles from public life, particularly those derived from Christianity. In his view, removing Christian values from education undermines the moral compass that once guided youth in America. Without a religious foundation, Goeglein believes that children and teenagers are left to navigate a world filled with moral relativism, which could lead to the weakening of social cohesion and ethical behavior.

The Legalization of Abortion

Another major attack on the Christian foundations of America, as identified by Tim Goeglein, is the legalization of abortion through the landmark Roe v. Wade (1973) Supreme Court ruling. Goeglein views this decision as a fundamental departure from the Christian belief in the sanctity of life. He argues that the ruling not only legalized abortion but also signaled a broader cultural shift toward a devaluation of life and a rejection of Christian moral teachings.

In Goeglein’s perspective, abortion challenges the Biblical principle that life is sacred from conception. The ruling, according to him, has contributed to a culture of death, where the protection of life is no longer paramount. He believes that this shift has had profound implications for American society, leading to a decline in family values and respect for human dignity. Goeglein and others who share this view often call for a return to policies that reflect Christian teachings on the sanctity of life.

The Redefinition of Marriage

The third major attack on the Christian foundations of America, according to Goeglein, is the redefinition of marriage, particularly through the legalization of same-sex marriage in the Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) Supreme Court case. Goeglein asserts that marriage has long been considered a sacred institution between one man and one woman, rooted in Biblical teachings. The redefinition of marriage, in his view, represents an assault on this Christian understanding of family structure and morality.

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Goeglein believes that the redefinition of marriage undermines the traditional Christian view of the family as the foundational unit of society. He argues that the acceptance of same-sex marriage reflects a broader cultural trend toward moral relativism, where Christian values are increasingly marginalized in favor of more secular perspectives. This shift, according to Goeglein, could have long-lasting effects on society, particularly in how future generations understand concepts like marriage, gender, and family.

The Impact of These Attacks on the Christian Foundations of America

Tim Goeglein’s critique of these three major attacks—secularism in public education, the legalization of abortion, and the redefinition of marriage—points to his belief that they have collectively eroded the Christian foundations that once defined America’s moral and legal framework. Goeglein suggests that as Christian values are removed from public life, American society may face significant consequences, including a rise in moral confusion, the breakdown of the family unit, and a weakening of social ethics.

He calls for a reinvigoration of Christian principles in public policy, education, and culture to counterbalance these trends. According to Goeglein, restoring Christian values in these areas would lead to a more cohesive, morally grounded society.


In conclusion, Tim Goeglein highlights three major attacks on the Christian foundations of America—secularism in public education, the legalization of abortion, and the redefinition of marriage—as pivotal challenges to the country’s religious and moral heritage. These attacks, in Goeglein’s view, reflect a larger societal movement away from Christian values, which has had profound implications for governance, ethics, and culture. For those who share Goeglein’s perspective, preserving the Christian foundations of America is crucial for maintaining the moral fabric of the nation. As the debate continues, the role of Christian values in shaping the future of America remains a critical issue in the public sphere.

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