Middle Range Nursing Theories and Evidence Based Practice

View-Point on Theory

Middle range theories are said to be useful in both practice and research. They help practice by enhancing the understanding of behavior of a client, proposing interventions, and offering probable explanations for the level of the interventions effectiveness. Evidence based practice refers to conscientious employment of the existing best evidence in decisions making regarding patient care. This demonstrates that middle range theories play a vital role in explaining the level of effectiveness of interventions an aspect that plays a great role in enhancing the selection of the best practice in the evidence based practice (McEwen & Wills, 2014, p. 217). This implies that middle range theories act as a step in enhancing effectiveness of evidence based practice since it aid in establishing the most effective practice among many by understanding effectiveness of different practices as analyzed by middle range theory. Thus, middle-range theories have a great role to play in effecting evidence based practice.

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A good example that can be used to demonstrate the relation between middle range theories and evidence based practice is the chronic sorrow middle-range theory. The theory provides a framework on how individual suffering from chronic sorrow for instance loss of a child should be handled (Smith & Parker, 2015, p. 358). The framework contains major concepts that should be applied in stages as intervention for such a condition. The intervention stage provides different approaches that should be employed to enhance collective care. This shows that even if one form of intervention will not work on a particular case, its poor results will be overshadowed by other interventions measures which are both internal and external. With this wide range of intervention, it would be easy for evidence based practice to be employed by selecting intervention measures that commonly work effectively to majority of clients. This middle-range theories can be said to be part of evidence based practice. They allow testing of various approaches which guide in the selection of the best practice (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011, p. 323).

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