A Personal Human Resource Philosophy for Managing People

As a current or future manager of an organization, it is important to examine your personal beliefs regarding the relationship between people and the organization. Developing a personal philosophy about human resources will also help guide your personal actions to influence the organization’s belief about its relationship to employees. This is an example of a personal human resource philosophy for managing people. It discusses beliefs about the employee-organization relationship and explains how that position was arrived at.

Relationship between People and the Organization

The success of any organization is determined by the quality of goods produced or services given. This means the workforce input is very important in any healthcare organization. It is therefore important for any healthcare organization to consider human resources as one of its most important assets in the organization. According to Morgan (2006), what an organization gives to its workers is what it gets back. When an organization focus on developing its workforce and addressing their needs, the workforce will ensure that it addresses the organizations needs effectively resulting to great level of organization success. How an organization will manage and treat its workers thus matters a lot in determining the organization performance trend (Morgan, 2006). Empowered, motivated and developed employees are likely to invest their skills and energy in organization development. I thus adapt a humanistic human resource philosophy which will focus on ensuring the best human resource treatment to provoke their commitment toward organization success.

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Human Resource Management Philosophy

Human resources play a great role in enhancing the general performance of an organization. I thus believe that every organization should take human resource as its greatest asset and invest in its development. Before doing so, an organization should ensure that it has the right human resource based on the operational requirements of an organization. Organization should consider developing an effective recruitment system which will ensure that it acquires the best talents in the market. This will include ensuring that the organization recruitment system employs proper documentation of work requirement and needed qualification, right vacancies advertisement channels, and that proper applicant evaluation and selection mechanisms have been employed. An organization should consider embracing diversity in recruitment so as to take advantage of strong innovative skills provided by diversity to enhance the general performance of an organization. I also believe in a well-established workforce development system. According to Ramaraju (2015), human beings can be developed since they contain creative energy which is only partially utilized. An organization should thus invest in developing workforce through training, workshops and seminars to increase their level of creative energy utilization. An organization should provide proper initial training to new workers to ensure that they understand the organization operation processes. It should also ensure regular training to all its workers especially in organizations that experience constant change of technology, new methods of operations or frequent cases of substandard operation process. Regular seminars and workshop should be provided to ensure constant advancement of workers knowledge and growth in their areas of operation. An organization should also be able to promote personal career development through scholarships and study leaves. This can as well be employed as a motivational factor where by workers with consistent good performance trend can be offered scholarship or paid study leaves, to encourage personal career growth and development, innovation and talent development in an organization (Bolman & Deal, 2017).

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Human beings according to Markos and Sridev (2010) feel committed to an organization they work for, if they have a sense of belonging. An organization should thus work to ensure that workers feel valued in an organization. This can be attained through workers engagement. Workers engagement refers to the involvement of workers in different organization operations, especially concerning their affairs. Workers can also be involved in more advanced operations that include ensuring their contribution in decision making process, especially in matters related to the organization operation and enhancement processes. Organizations enhancing open communication where workers voice, idea and grievances can be effectively aired create a higher chance of making workers feel valued by the organization management or executives. High level of workers engagement can also include assisting individuals to develop and grow, encourage and promote collaboration and teamwork, offering recognition and support where suitable, empowering workers and aligning their efforts with strategy (Bolman & Deal, 2017). Integrating workers in decision making process, offering them a chance to grow, being interested in their welfare; health and safety and rewarding their hard work and achievement make workers feel valued. This initiates a sense of belonging whereby they perceive themselves as a part of the organization, and hence they tend work to ensure its success. The positive attitude acts as a great motivational factor, which ensures that workers can easily dedicate their energy, skills and creativity to ensure high organization performance and promote organization competitive advantage.

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Workers feel more valued when an organization focus on their needs as much as they focus on other organization operations (Bolman & Deal, 2017). To ensure my organization adapts to the right culture which will always enhance workers development, I will embrace transformational culture.  Transformational culture focuses on idealized influence, individual consideration, inspirational motivation and intellectual stimulation. It integrates energy, creative insights, intuition, persistence, and sensitivity to others’ need to forge the organizational strategy culture alloy (Bass & Avolio, 1993).  This culture will highly focus on workers development and embracing technological changes taking place in different organizational operations. This will ensure that the organization invests in progressive workforce development and motivation, and that it adapts to the best available operational mechanisms or strategies. It also ensures that the organization maintains the most favorable work environment with constant changes to make it even better with time. This culture will complement my belief in constant workers development and engagement, especially in making important decisions concerning effective organization operations.

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Another strategy that will be employed to realize my philosophy is by ensuring constant workers appraisal, offering feedback and implementing performance enhancement programs, focusing especially on workers with poor performance track record (Markos & Sridevi, 2010). Workers appraisal serves a great role in ensuring that workers identify their mistake and in correcting them to enhance their performance. In addition, appraisal provides workers with a chance to be promoted in terms of position and/or salary and to determine if they qualify for other benefits which may include incentives such study leave, scholarships or even bonus. This will enhance workers motivation and enhance their commitment to the organization performance.


The success of any organization is highly determined by the kind of relationship that exists between the organization and its workers. Organization has a great responsibility in devising a relationship that will promote growth and development in an organization. In my opinion, an organization has the responsibility of creating motivating, safe and healthy work climate typified by collaboration, openness, common goals and desires, trust and enthusiasm. A good work environment promotes positive workers attitude, and energize them to work hard. When workers are valued and respected they tend to feel more comfortable in an organization and develop a sense of belonging. This makes them feel responsible of employing their knowledge, kills, time and energy in ensuring the organization success. It is thus important for an organization to give the best to its workers, to be able to positively influence their behavior toward the organization.  

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