Access System America Communication Strategy Analysis

The key objective of a communication strategy is to ensure that information inside and outside the organization is communicated effectively with the sole purpose of achieving the core organizational objective. Studies have showed that communication determines how business operations are carried out (Treweek, et al., 2013). The management uses the communication strategy to inform the employees the targets of the business and how it will be achieved within specified timelines. As a result, it is the duty and responsibility of the management to develop, adopt and implement communication strategy that works best for the organization. This paper analyzed communication strategy used by Access System America, Inc.  

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Summary of Access System America Communication Strategy

            According to Goetsch et al. (2014), Access Systems America, Inc. adopted communication scheme that engages all the shareholders because they have the obligation to meet the organizations’ objectives. This communication strategy enables the management to freely interact with all the shareholders and clients via online based systems (Kasper & Kellerman, 2014). Similarly, the shareholders and clients can access organizations’ website and post their concerns and issues affecting them. These include the suggestion on how the organization should address these concerns.

All the issues and concerns posted on the company’s website are seen by the management and those that can be acted upon immediately are addressed. The communication strategy is also designed to allow the sales team to directly interact with the clients on real time. In the process, the sales team gathers the information about the market and advice marketing manager accordingly (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). Typically, this communication strategy allows the flows information downwards and upwards with the sole purpose of achieving better business operations. This communication strategy has proved successful to the company due to significant growth in revenues recorded after adopting this strategy.

Analysis of communication strategy

            Analysis showed that various business units and departments within the company have greatly benefitted from the communication strategy. For example, the marketing and promotional department get first-hand information due to directly and real time interaction and engagement with the clients as well as shareholders (Treweek, et al., 2013). This helps the company to achieve its objectives of quality service to clients. This communication strategy does not give room for loss of information in the communication process which could result to communication breakdown within the system. It allows proper communication channels to be used to deliver and collect the intended message.

            As a result, the company has been able to serve its clients throughout the world effectively by delivering products and services that meets their needs. Further analysis showed that each department benefitted from this communication strategy differently. For instance, human resource department is able to monitor the performance of each employee (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). The production department monitors the progress of each production line in real time. The sale department has benefitted the most from this communication strategy because the sales volume has increased significantly. The overall growth could not have been achieved without this communication strategy. This communication strategy enables the management to get the right information about the current market and industry in general. In response to the needs of the customers, the management determines what to deliver to the customers and in what qualities. This makes the company to gain competitive advantage over its competitors and maintain its leadership position in the market.

            More importantly, this communication strategy allows for inclusivity when making critical decisions that affects the operations of the company. This means that any organizational change effected in the company will not receive much resistance because all the parties are involved in the process (Kasper & Kellerman, 2014). However, this communication strategy has required a lot time for the parties to consult before the decision is made. This is a common drawback associated with communication strategies that are very inclusive. Therefore, it is not unique to this communication strategy alone.

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