Biosensors and Wearable Health Trackers

The Impact of Innovation in Healthcare

Write a 260- to 350-word article that reviews a recent innovation in health care and its impact on existing systems (e.g., first- and second-movers, wearables, printed organs, genetic testing).

Biosensors and Wearable Health Trackers

The human body typically alerts us to numerous aspects related to our health. However, many of these valuable signals remain virtually unnoticed.  It is this reality that has now prompted scientists to look for viable solutions in technological innovations to enable them track body signals, manage disease and improve health. This article will, therefore, review biosensors and wearable trackers as recent innovations in healthcare and their impact on existing systems.

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The Rise of Biosensors and Wearable Health Trackers in the Healthcare Industry

            Biosensors represent a class of analytical health monitors that are now common within the sector. They function by sensing chemical substances in the body using an in-built system of physicochemical detectors.  They are typically made up of a bio-recognition area, processor and display. Biosensors rely on bio-receptors to probe and analyze the biological system which comes in handy when seeking to highlight any anomalies. Sensitive biological elements such as nucleic acids, tissues and organelles are routinely analyzed to determine their actual quantity within the body (Barlow 2016). Manufactures now design custom-designed biosensors with the primary aim of ensuring that they serve a specific purpose with regard to an individual’s health. Health trackers, on the other hand, are activity monitors which measure various metrics related to fitness. They monitor the heart rate, calories burned and the distance walked within a day. Wearable health devices are now synonymous with smartwatches which are now applied as fitness trackers.

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The Impact of Biosensors and Wearable Health Trackers on Existing Systems

            Biosensors and wearable health trackers have undoubtedly had a considerable impact on existing systems. Medical practitioners and researchers alike now rely upon this innovation to improve the quality of health care provided to individuals while bolstering the quality of existing systems. According to Higson (2017), biosensors have revolutionized the healthcare system speeding up patient’s test results while actively monitoring the human body through complex wireless-sensing technologies (p.14). For instance, healthcare facilities routinely use temperature-sensitive thermometers which apply the latest advances in technology to detect even the slightest of changes. Biosensors and wearable health devices have also reduced the need to travel considerable distances to healthcare facilities for medical tests. Home pregnancy tests detect pregnancy hormones contained in urine and a reliable technological innovation. This saves the time and money spent at the doctor’s office while also, inadvertently, reducing congestion within the healthcare system.

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            The introduction of biosensors and wearable health trackers is a welcome addition within the healthcare system which can be harnessed to help persons living in remote regions. It is now possible to integrate these technologies with smartphones, therefore providing a convenient health monitoring system. Additionally, the healthcare system benefit from this introduction since it now enables clinicians to accurately monitor the health condition of patients. The blood-oxygen monitor is one of the best examples of this innovation.  Healthcare practitioners benefit from the concise readings provided which can detect the slightest drop in oxygen levels, allowing them to respond swiftly (Mukhopadhyay, 2015). Similarly, wearable health trackers are currently used to improve health outcomes in individuals. They have been applied extensively in managing the weight of obese individuals by providing an accurate assessment of their current health status. These results, thus, become useful when developing healthy routines such as regular exercise and a balanced diet.


            Biosensors and wearable health trackers are recent technological innovations that have left an impression on existing healthcare systems. They now allow patients and medical practitioners to manage diseases by tracking body signals with the ultimate aim of improving health outcomes. Biosensors and wearable trackers represent the future of healthcare which is primarily why it is critical for researchers to improve the existing technology.

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