Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Gastritis, and Peptic Ulcer

Gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis peptic ulcer and peptic ulcer are known to have similar signs and symptoms but there is slight difference in some signs (Van et al, 2006). Common signs and symptoms among the three disorders are as follows; vomiting, nausea, bloating, abdominal pains, lack of appetite, a burning sensation in the chest at times spreads to the throat, along with a sour taste in the mouth and black stool may also occur in severe case.

Gastroesophageal refers to two parts; the stomach and esophagus. This a condition where contents of the stomach are returned to the esophagus. The signs and symptoms of this disorder are a bit different from the other two because they cause chest pains, the throat become sore and a sensation of lump may also be felt, the patient may also have a dry cough and finally swallowing of food may be painful.

The major difference in signs and symptoms of the gastritis and peptic ulcer is the place where it occurs. For gastritis, pain occurs mainly in the upper abdomen whereas for peptic ulcers, pain occurs in the middle or upper abdomen and this happens between meals or during at night.

The main cause of gastroesophageal reflux disease is the incompetence of the entire flux barriers at esophagogastric junction. For gastritis, it is caused due to stress, spicy foods, chemical substances like drugs and alcohol. Peptic ulcers caused by imbalance between factors that can destroy the gastro duodenal mucosal lining and defense mechanisms that in most cases limit the injury (Van et al, 2006).

The following are patient education strategies to use in case someone is diagnosed to have gastritis; eradication of this condition may require multidrug therapy, normally antibiotics including acid suppressants. Quadruple therapy and a proton pump inhibitor bid may also be effective but quite cumbersome. Infected patients may also be subjected to the acid suppression for at least four weeks. The treatment may be repetitive if the disease is not fully eradicated. Though in cases where treatment is not successful, endoscopy to obtain cultures for sensitivity testing may be recommended.









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