How My Current Worldview Effects Perception of Current Healthcare Debate

Assignment Instructions

Do research on Christian Worldviews then write a reflective paper about your current worldview and how your worldview effects your perception of the current healthcare debate. This reflective paper should be first person and reflect your view point on how healthcare should be defined, and services provided. You should utilize biblical scripture to support your view.

Reflection on Healthcare – Sample Reflective Paper

The healthcare system is an important part and parcel of everyday life. It is integral that it is framed in a manner that can take care of the healthcare needs of the entire population. The people’s healthcare needs vary from psychological, physical, and social, among others. The current United States healthcare policy is based on the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law by President Obama. The policy has been able to cater for different health needs that Americans have on different levels. This paper is my reflection on the healthcare system, and how my worldview interacts with it based on Biblical principles.

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For me, I think that the healthcare system should be able to take care of the most vulnerable in society. The vulnerable in our country are those that cannot adequately afford the high costs of healthcare services. Healthcare is very expensive in the United States, and many people without employment struggle to access quality healthcare. The country’s healthcare requires that a person has a medical insurance cover that is correctly serviced in order to be served. This makes it difficult for many families and individuals. At the moment, some states, such as Arkansas have not completely expanded Medicaid. This, therefore, makes it difficult for many to acquire health insurance cover (Sommers et al., 2016).

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The healthcare policy has made strides to ensure that it takes care of the needs of those who are vulnerable. I think this should be greatly applauded. Currently, the healthcare policy has regulations that mandate healthcare insurance companies not to discriminate anyone while enrolling people for health insurance cover. It was previously difficult for people with pre-existing conditions to acquire health insurance. This has been eliminated by the requirement that insurance companies should be able to provide comprehensive cover to this category of people (Leimbigler & Lammert, 2016). Such a move ensures that everyone is prepared for any adversity that may occur to them regarding their health. Acquisition of insurance is part of a good investment as espoused in 1st Timothy 5:8, which encourages families and individuals to provide for themselves and all they care about.

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Provision of quality healthcare is part and parcel of showing kindness, care, empathy, and love. I believe that these are essential values that should always be manifested in all spheres of life. The healthcare system in the country is based on scientific training of all medical professionals in a manner that enables them to serve based on the aforementioned values. The scripture in 2nd Chronicles 16:12 give an example of a situation where a high-ranking leader sought the services of a highly qualified physician when he was sick. This illustrates that it is important to train medical professionals adequately for them to provide the necessary services. One of the nursing theories that are required by the healthcare system to be passed to nurses and doctors is Watson’s theory of caring. This theory teaches the correct way of showing love and care to patients. It has been shown that this kind of care is essential for the quick recovery of patients as it enables them to be positive and responsive to medical instructions.

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In conclusion, it is apparent that the healthcare system has gone a long way in meeting the health needs of society. In the process, it has fulfilled several Biblical principles. My worldview, especially in nursing and healthcare, revolves around the values of love, care, and empathy. Additionally, the healthcare system, in my view, should take care of the needs of the most vulnerable in society.

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