Measuring Customer Satisfaction – Discussion

The Case of Golds Reling Inc.

There are various ways of measuring customer satisfaction. Golds Reling Inc. may have used the direct approach of obtaining feedback on their newly launched product through complaint or appreciation letter (Jiao, 2014). The company also has a choice of using an indirect approach such as customer loyalty, whereby if a customer is loyal then satisfaction was achieved  (Jiao, 2014). Unfortunately, some customers may be loyal simply because there are no competitors or because of cheaper prices. Hence, the best approach is to use the direct method of obtaining feedback through complaints or appreciation letters.

To effectively implement this method, the organization needs to prepare an address whereby consumers will be able to write or email their feelings about the product. After this, the organization needs to let consumers know that there is an address whereby they can leave suggests or complaints about the product to help improve it.

This approach is important because it helps to get feedback directly from consumers. Therefore, it helps to identify the unique needs of consumers and thus make proper changes to better products.

The Case of Apple’s iTunes Store

As a professional tasked with developing an app for Apple’s iTunes store, there are two research tools that will aid the process of identifying customer needs. First, surveys will be given the first priority as the tool encourages the collection of data from a wide range of people  (Jiao, 2014). Therefore, it will be easier to identify special needs of customers and thus come up with ways of fulfilling them. After surveys have been conducted, the second tool will be the focus groups. This is also very important in minimizing results into a value that will be easily interpreted  (Jiao, 2014). This is because people with the same characteristics can be grouped together and then their collective views are obtained.

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