Past And Present U.S Policies That May Have Reinforced Jihadi Salafism

The global wars against the Jihadi Salafism, led by the U.S through its police and military actions have created negative wars in the Muslim world (Sola & Smith, 2009). The policies that the United States have adopted, are unsustainable and lacking in integration, a feat that have worked together to galvanize Islamic extremism.

Every president of the United States, since Jimmy Carter, has had to deal with Islamic extremism (Sola & Smith, 2009). The 9/11 attack heightened the challenge on the U.S government in dealing with the threat of terrorism associated with Islamic extremism. The United States policies have treated these Islamic movements as a global threat, just the way Communism was perceived. This has seen the United States adopt a counterterrorism strategy as its foreign policy of dealing with the threat if Islamic groups. The participation of U.S soldiers in Iraq and Libya was to fight and end the Islamic groups that were viewed as threat to the security of U.S and those of its allies. The belief was that through military action, the extremist groups and administrations would be ousted and more democratic and friendly administrations be installed. However, these efforts have failed and the extremist groups such as Jihadi Salafism have continued to thrive, making the world more insecure.

There is need for a change in the extremist paradigm as a political outfits but rather should be viewed as a religious ideology. The strategy of counterterrorism works to reinforce the Jihadi Salafism since any war on Islamic extremists will likely be viewed as an attack on Islam. Moreover, supporting the authoritarian regimes and helping them to fight these extremist movements will not help but work to reinforce the extremist movements.

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