Team Buidling Strategy Plan

 Identification of Various Strategies Available to Build Teams

Various interventions are employed in putting together effectual teams. The first intervention is the setting of appropriate goals, or clarification of goals. It stresses on formulating objectives along with developing team, as well as individual, goals. The intervention ensures that specific team members have clear expectations regarding the goals. In addition, the intervention ensures that that the teams become increasingly action and task-focused.

The second intervention is role clarification, which stresses on heightening team member communication with respect to the roles assigned to particular members. The members enhance their appreciation of their own and colleagues’ roles in making their teams successful. When the intervention is implemented, teams are defined as being constituted by sets of overlying roles. Such roles are defined as the conducts expected of particular team members. Role clarification enhances individual, as well as team, characteristics.

The third intervention is conflict resolution, or problem-solving. Conflict resolution emphasizes the making out the chief problems related to particular tasks within teams. The intervention supports the involvement of team members in planning appropriate actions and solving the problems following their identification (Salas, Diazgranados, Klein, Burke, Stagl, Goodwin & Halpin, 2009). The members formulate goals, grow societal relations, clarify their specific roles, and help enhance organizational attributes via conflict resolution tasks.

The fourth intervention is the management of interpersonal relations. The intervention is widely christened the consequences intervention. It stresses on heightening teamwork competencies like communication and mutual supportiveness. Over time, it ensures that team members attain higher and higher cooperation and trust levels among themselves. However, the intervention compromises daily team activities, possibly occasioning temporary losses. The last intervention entails the celebration of team attainments. The celebrations assist team members bond, increasing the effectiveness of their teams. Even then, the celebrations and the bonding may be injurious to creativity, which is assistive in solving emerging crises.

Challenges/Barriers to Building Teams

Organizations face diverse challenges in their efforts to put together effective teams. First, some organizations are incapable of finding staff members with the capability of working effectually within team settings. Their extant team members lack teamwork as a competency. Second, some organizations face the challenge posed by the heightening necessity to have teams working across organizations and in virtual spaces.

Organizations are faced with the growing need to have their staff in different spaces work together as teams. Such teams are incapable of building strong relations among their members. Third, globalization has made the collaborations between members of particular teams increasingly difficult (Salas, Diazgranados, Klein, Burke, Stagl, Goodwin & Halpin, 2009). The challenge is amplified when taken together with virtual working spaces that do not allow for one-on-one communication.

Determining the Best Strategy

In the Riordan Manufacturing case, the most favorable intervention for putting together a team for producing Cardiac Valve is the one with the potential for heightening team member communication with respect to the roles assigned to particular members. The most favorable intervention is the one with the potential for helping the team’s members enhance their appreciation of their own and colleagues’ roles in making their teams successful. As well, the most favorable intervention is the one with the potential defining the team as constituted by sets of overlying roles. Thus, the most favorable intervention is role clarification, which stresses on heightening team member communication.

Determination of Team Success

The success of the Cardiac Valve-producing team will be evaluated in the light of diverse aspects. The aspects will include changes in the team and its members’ performance, affective, cognitive, and process outcomes. The other aspects will include the team’s responses to negative affects like mistrust.

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