Unions, Labor Relations, or Human Resource Management

Integrating Human Resource Management guidelines and policies within the institutional and regulatory framework that governs the Labor Relations and the Unions are demanding and challenging. This assignment fine points the causes and the nature of this problem, detailing the various theoretical and practical conceptions that highlight each kind of labor-management as applied in any organizational settings (Furlong, 2011). Consequently, I will analyze the possibilities and problems of integrating Human Resource Management with the Trade Unions and Labor Relations. My stand in this paper is to discuss how it is hard to incorporate Human Resource Management with any other Industrial relations such as trade Unions. Also, show the realities that labor relations manager face as they try to apply for the Human Resource Management practices.

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management involves the attainment, motivation, development, compensation, and upholding of the workforce in every organization (Furlong, 2011). The functions of Human Resource management are incorporated as strategically oriented, and proactive to the success of the organization’s goals. These goals comprise of company’s practice of human resource setting up, work analysis, work design, training and career development, compensation and benefits, selection and recruitment, performance appraisal management, evaluation, and health and safety.  Therefore, the goals of human resource management are founded and predicted on the unitary and individualistic hypothesis, where these assumptions refute the prospect of inherent conflicts within any relations in the workplace.

Unions and Labor Relations

Labor relations comprise of the rules governing relationships in institutions and workplaces, where the unions and labor relations established so as to enforce and administer the rules set in these institutions. Consequently, the rules are symbolized in conditions and terms established in the workplace, which is both sets individually and collectively (Abbott, 2007). These laws divided into various groups as law contracts and labor contracts, statutory regulations, codes of conducts, dispute settlement procedures, and grievances procedures. Labor relations laws formulated through processes such as arbitration, conciliation, negotiation, individual, and collective bargaining. Therefore, these labor relations are enforced and governed through unions, industrial tribunals, and employees associations. The orientation and activities of labor relations are through collective and individual assumptions, where these assumptions agree with the possibility of an innate conflict of any relationship in the workplace.

From a philosophical point of view, such a case seems logical. Human resource management founded on the assumption that conflicts are not a part of workplace relations, which such regulations and rules are not needful. Conversely, labor relations and unions are founded on the assumptions that there will always be an ever-present capability of conflicts in the workplace, and institutions, and as a consequence, the regulations and rules are needful and a requirement (Abbott, 2007). Therefore, from human resource management stance, labor relations are assumed to be the cause of conflict in the workplace, and the rules and regulations should remove for capable of human resource management practices. As a consequence organizations under the unions and labor relations follow the advocacy from the government for procedures to the prerogatives and powers of the trade unions and the labor relations. Conversely human resource management practices are now introduced in these organizations as a way of removing employees from the union affiliation that have the collective agreements.

In conclusion, I believe that all organizations should embrace human resource management practices and abolish the collective agreements of the labor relations and the unions since they based on the assumptions of promoting conflict at the workplace.

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