The Way Some Facet of Process Philosophy has Affected American Government and Society

Process philosophy is considered as a tool for determining metaphysical realty with development and transformation. Since the duration of Aristotle and Plato, philosophers have positioned actual reality as ‘timeless’, with regard to permanent substance, whereas processes are subordinated or denied to enduring  substances. During the scenarios where Socrates changes or becoming unwell, then the Socrates is still similar, and its transformation only glides over his substance (Williams, 2009). On the other hand, change is considered as identical at scenarios where substance is significant. Accordingly, classic ontology is confirmed to oppose entire reality to revolutionize, which is conceived as the single accidental and not important. Otherwise, this assignment is aimed at indicating the ways into which aspect of ‘philosophy process’ has lead to diverse implications on American government and/or society particularly on education as well as national economics (Kooiman, 2003).

Foremost, the aspect of ‘process philosophy’ has been witnessed to bring about various changes on educational field. Apparently, all human beings have exceedingly vested lots of interest in education, whereas some wits have held that teaching is the second oldest occupation. Actually, the philosophical movement has geared the tour of allocating sufficient resources aimed at supporting educational institutions and activities aiming at acknowledging their centrality and also for good reason of promoting eradication within the society. This is due to the fact that philosophers have realized that children are born being innumerate and illiterate and they ignore norms and cultural accomplishments of the society or community into which they have been thrust (Lehman, Clark, Bullis, Rinkin & Castellanos, 2002).

However, with the help of professional teachers and aggressive amateurs within their families and instantaneous environs, education has greatly received reinforcement hence leading to enormous change. Moreover, the ‘process philosophy’ has also changed the way Socrates influenced the community about research and learning since Socrates’ actual reality was ‘timeless’ and backed by permanent substances, whereas processes were subordinated or denied. Additionally, this movement provided learning what Socrates had considered as non-important, less beneficial and transient, just as much significant or more critical, than Socrates’ permanent material ontology (Slattery, 2005).

Conversely, ‘process philosophy’ is also viewed to play a vital role on gearing development in the economic field. Indeed, the philosophy of economics has intersected with various different fields of philosophy such as science, social and ethical philosophy. Based on this, the process philosophy has contributed much on trying to bring about immense guiding standard for ensuring stability and competent on the sectors concerned with substance, values and methodology employed in transacting various business operations. For instance, the basic focus of the philosopher is based on economical theories, concepts and methods for facilitating effectual interaction between the entire community particularly between producers and consumers as well as workers and employers (Rescher, 2006).

Furthermore, this philosophy was also concerned with values of social justice, human welfare and also the tradeoffs that are needed as far as economic preferences are concerned. At this point, economic reasoning has lead to vital effects on human welfare and justice; and more importantly it has lead to significant ethical assumptions which philosophers of economics have  observed being essential to scrutinize. Additionally, the philosopher have expressed awareness on the structures and institutions by which economic activity and change take place, hence turning to a critical eye to the assumptions economist commonly making about social and institutional processes. While summing up, it is clear that ‘process philosophy’ has conducted a crucial role on promoting efficiency and effectiveness of carrying out various activities in America hence leading to immense national growths and developments (VanDenBerg & Grealish, 2006).

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