Maslow Theory of Human Needs as a Borrowed Theories Guiding Nursing Practice

Borrowed Theories Guiding Practice

Nurses use a number of borrowed theories and implement them in their profession to solve their own problems. One of the borrowed theories that are used in nursing is the Maslow theory of human needs. Maslow theory conceptualize needs of human as a pyramid containing five ascending order levels ranging from self-actualization at the apex to esteem, belonging, safety and physiological requirements at the base (Hoffman, 2008, p.36). According to Maslow, the lower needs need to be attended prior to attaining the upper needs. This model can be employed in nursing practice to ensure that their primary practice environment requirements are met. This model can be employed in nursing by ensuring that nurses physiological needs are met which are needs for the required work instrument to make their work easy.

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Provision of the basic nursing tools will be very effective in satisfying their physiological needs. Then the organization should focus on the safety needs. This includes the work environment safety and also nurses protection while doing their work (Paris & Terhaar, 2011, p.1). Thus apart from employing security and security system in  a healthcare organization, nurses should be provided with personal protection gears while performing their own business. The self-belonging need to be enhanced by developing nursing unions where nurses’ rights and needs are fulfilled. This can also be enhanced by ensuring that nurses have enough time for personal care and to relate socially with other people who include family and friends. All this will enhance individual nurses’ self-esteem and self-actualization. Effective implementation Maslow theory in nursing will highly enhance the healthcare ability to provide nursing needs to their employees (Regis & Porto, 2011, p. 1).

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