

California Crisis, Kansas Crisis and Their Consequences

The Road to the American Civil War (1850-1856)        The American Civil War still remains one of the most pivotal periods in American history. Its origins can be tracked back to the problems that emerged from the Missouri Compromise as the Federal government sought to promote westward expansion into uncharted territory. This particular situation was […]


Affirmative Action, Respect To The Diversity of the Public

Describe affirmative action and provide a short history of the concept. Affirmative action refers to policy seeking to improve educational or workplace opportunities for underrepresented groups of society. Such a policy considers factors such as a person’s race, color, sex, national origin, and religion (Fereidooni & Massumi, 2017). Thus, affirmative action seeks to level the


Separation of Roles in Justice System, Ethics and Morality and Police Interrogation

Why do we separate the roles within the justice system? Explain the importance of having a separation of authority, roles, and responsibilities in the Justice system. Separating the authorities of the various players within the justice system serves the purpose of protecting individual liberty. Having separation of authority, roles, and responsibilities in the justice system


Ethics and Morality in Correction System and Care of Inmates

Responsibilities of the Correction System The correction system helps keep society safe by incarcerating individuals who have committed crimes. Notably, the correction system serves many functions to provide care for inmates. Some of these responsibilities include providing control, custody, and rehabilitation to individuals convicted of criminal offenses. The responsibility of control entails housing inmates in


The Nature of the “Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc” Fallacy

The post hoc fallacy is founded on the false idea that since event A preceded event B, then event A must-have triggered event B. The fallacy assumes that an earlier event must have caused the later event. The Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc fallacy starts with a simple observation of two events happening in sequence.


Is it Possible to Think Without Using Language?

There is a possibility of thinking without using language. Language is a way of generating meaningful linguistic utterances and extracting meaning from linguistic utterances when conversing with others. Language is used to express thoughts, however, thought is independent of language. Language is not necessary for thoughts to manifest. This can be demonstrated by the fact


American British Colony, A loyalist in the American Revolution

Loyalists during the American Revolution For this particular task, I will describe my experience in the American British colony as a loyalist during the American Revolution. This was an important and crucial time in the United States which later represented a turning point for the colony. As a loyalist, I was fully aware of the


Types of Audit Evidence and Audit Analytical Procedures

List seven Major Types of Evidence and Provide a Procedural Example of Each Physical Examination It involves auditors of physical verification of the existence of different assets. Auditors can utilize a physical examination to verify the condition or state of an asset. Auditors collect this form of evidence themselves with the main source of evidence

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