

Religion as a Factor in US Foreign Policy

The influence of religion in the interactions of the state is among the great and least implicit security challenges of the 21st century. Additionally, the role of religion in international politics presents an intellectual contest to politics, religion, and international relations scholars. Although religion has developed as an important factor in some assessments of international […]


Gender differences in Advertising Media

The primary function of advertising to convey messages about products to consumers. However, the advertising industry also plays a vital role in changing individual perceptions and existing social norms. After their primary function is accomplished, advertisements can ultimately construct an image of how the world should look like, how the people within it should behave


Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet Critical Assessment

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) originated in 1997 after the results of an eleven-week trial sponsored by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) revealed that dietary modification is effective at reducing in reducing blood pressure by about 6-11 mm Hg in both hypertensive and normotensive subjects. The NHLBI and the American Heart


Net Neutrality Debate

Net neutrality simply means that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) must allow equal access to all internet applications and content regardless of the source or nature of the content. Although there seems to be no authority capable of enforcing net neutrality on ISPs, the law on net neutrality clearly states that the internet is neutral. This


Data Mining as a Business Tool

What makes data mining an important business tool? Data mining is an important business analytical tool because it facilitates the analysis of large volumes of data to find hidden patterns and relationships that cannot be obtained using OLAP (Laudon & Laudon, 2015). These patterns and relationships can then be used to guide future decision making


Karla Homolka Classification based on Groth and MTC: R3

Karla Homolka participation in the sexual assaults was planned and non-violent, there was no attempt on her part to be in control of the situation nor did she demonstrate demand for ritualistic forms of torture as did Bernardo. Based on the Groth typology, Karla cannot be classified as an anger rapist or a power rapist.


Interventions for Adult and Juvenile Sex offenders

For many years, therapeutic interventions for juvenile sex offenders were similar to those for adult sex offenders. However, research advances in developmental, motivational and behavioral differences in juvenile and adult sex offender have resulted in the development of interventions that are more responsive to the diversity of sexual offending between these two groups. Read also

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