

McDonald’s Corporate Social Responsibility Analysis – Business Ethics

This paper examines business ethics by critically analyzing McDonald’s Corporate Social Responsibility. Read also Operations Management As A Competitive Advantage For McDonalds Restaurants McDonald’s Corporate Social Responsibility McDonald’s is in the business of providing food to the public with its corporate social responsibility (CSR) being captured in its Scale for Good initiatives that aim at […]


Policy Recommendations for Community- Based Corrections Practitioners

The states in the United States now have over 1 million cells that houses over 2 million offenders. About 95% of these inmates are eventually released to serve in community corrections programs. This serves to show the important role that community corrections programs and the practitioners serve in maintenance of community safety. Although these community


Community Corrections Recommendations for Larry Greene

The Philosophy of Community-Based Correctional Programs – Assignment Instructions Community Corrections primary function and mission is to protect the community by supervising offenders and reporting non-compliance to the sentencing or releasing authority. The standard conditions of supervision stipulated by state statute as well as special conditions imposed by the court or sentencing authority including victim


Use of Game Theory to Maximize Profits in Southwest Airlines

Case Study: Use Of Game Theory To Maximize Profits The following article describes the unique boarding process used by Southwest Airlines. Southwest Airlines boarding and game theory. Use this article and three (3) others to answer the following questions in 5–7 pages. Describe the change in Southwest Airlines’ boarding process.  What was Southwest’s main goal


DNA Retention should be Outlawed – Position Paper

Since Alec Jeffreys first proposed the idea of use of DNA, forensic scientists have been using DNA profiling technologies to help criminal justice agencies to link suspects with crime scenes. Some of the countries that have recognized the potential of DNA in fight against crime are Wales, England and the United States (Deray, 2011). As


Being Muslim in America – The story of Imane Boudlal

Discriminatory employment practices can be influenced by certain societal factors such as national culture. National cultures varies between countries and have been categorized according to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions such as power distance, uncertainty avoidance, collectivism and individualism, masculinity, indulgence and long-term orientation. Buckley, Halbesleben & Wheeler, (2016, pp. 122) defines power distance as value which


Overview of Medical Experiments on Prisoners

Research showed that medical experiment on prisoners started several decades ago and many prisoners have participated in medical research without their consent. For example, in 1946 the Guatemalan prison inmates were used in medical experiment where most of them were deliberately infected with syphilis. Studies showed that male prisoners were directly infected with the disease

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