

Data Quality Evaluation Plan

Data Quality Evaluation Data quality evaluation is employed to determine how the final products are shaped and engineered to match the initial objective (MacDougall &Crummett, 1980). There are different methods of evaluating data that can be employed and these are classified into two broad methods; validation that is also referred to as certification as well […]


Response Paper to Kaplan & Grabe (2002)

While embarking on the analysis of the historical developments in the Discourse Analysis, Kaplan & Grabe (2002) developed a paper, which was later published in the Journal of Second Language Writing. Initially, the authors asserted the need for discourse analysis to be carried out within a period of 40-50 years, citing the immense contributions that


Intercultural Rhetoric and Its Implications for Teaching L2 Writing

Introduction             The world globalization has increased migrations and cultural exchanges have grown tremendously. There is an increasing pressure on the need to adopt the appropriate teaching techniques in a class that is composed of students from diverse cultural backgrounds (Taft, Kacanas, Huen, & Chan, 2011). Kaplan on realizing the impact of the differences written


Home-Based Acute Care Model for Older Patients

Introduction             The American population is aging as the number of older citizens is becoming higher due to the baby boom generation (Goeschel, 2011). The increased number of older citizens who need special attention has increased pressure on the hospitals and special models need to be developed in order to meet their needs. The numbers


Emergency Treatment of Patients Indicating Chest Pain

Introduction The Emergency Department is responsible for the provision of all surgical and medical care to patients that arrive at the hospital in need of such. Usually, such patients are in critical condition. These services are offered as an emergency therefore Emergency Department. There are certain situations which can be responded to by the hospital


Transformative Impact of Computational Technology in My Life

More and more we are experiencing advances in technology especially in the world of computers. Over time, I have come to appreciate the power of computing and the transformative impact that it has brought about in my life. Starting with the wireless connections available at very high speeds, to other computational technologies there is more


Decisions Made By Multinational Companies in the Diverse Cultural Setting

Introduction             The competitive advantage of every multinational company is determined with their ability to coordinate information and critical resources that spread across numerous geographical locations. However, the world population is diverse and it is increasingly getting hard to find a homogenous society (Matsumoto 1995). A homogenous society is the one most of its individuals


Assessing Potential Risk of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, And Tsunamis

Earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis are natural disaster that can be catastrophic when it occurs in densely populated areas. These natural disasters is assessed through monitoring of magnitude and scale of inherent vulnerability within the population. Analysis indicates that hydro-meteorological and geological disasters such as tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes contributes to the higher percentage of disasters

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