

For the Least of These, The Bible and Poverty

For the Least of These is a collection of twelve essays termed “the biblical answer to poverty.”  Notably, each essay is written by a different author, but the entire book is compiled and edited by theologian Art Lindsley and economist Anne Bradley. The book entails three distinct but related sections: the biblical perspective on the […]


Should Health Insurance Companies be able to Collect Policyholders Data Through Wearable Tech

Technology has significantly shaped motor insurance premiums whereby motor insurers use telematics devices to monitor driver behavior. This trend has sparked debate regarding whether health insurance companies should do the same to policyholders through wearable tech. The viability of such a model is dependent on consumer market buy-in. It is worth noting that policyholders can


Transformational Leadership in Nursing

Modern healthcare organizations face changes that necessitate increasingly adaptive and accommodating leadership. This type of leadership is called “transformational” as it seeks to create an environments of shared responsibilities that affect the knowledge that a professional possesses. Precisely, transformational leadership theory is a process in which “leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels


Management of Chronic Co-morbid Conditions – The Case of Mr. Bale

Introduction  The current case involves an elderly Spanish patient (Mr. Bale) who is suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD), Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), and hearing loss. COPD is a combination of several distinct but related illnesses that are characterized by difficulty in breathing (Aksenova & Burduli, 2016). The condition can impact the quality of


Instructional Strategies for Learners with Special Needs

Disengaged students often lag behind in class when it comes to academic achievement. Yet, to avoid this from occurring, teachers are expected to apply various strategies of instruction. A majority of instructional strategies are universal and applicable to various groups of learners while others yield better results when applied to a certain group of students.


Population Growth and World Hunger – Article Review

Many commentators have attempted to isolate the link between population growth, urbanization, and world hunger by alluding to the production limit of the planet. While this is an absolutely logical premise, critics reject this hypothesis on the basis of contradicting data. According to World Bank reports, recent decades have recorded lower levels of hunger and


Ethical Implications in Schizophrenia Treatment

Introduction             Healthcare providers are increasingly expressing interest in the treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia, paralleling a growing concern over clinical and functional recovery as well as evidence relating to recuperation. Even so, these trends have been accompanied by the need for values in the field of medicine. One of the chief values that


Renovating the Roslin Farms Community Playground

Introduction Play is one of the most significant aspects in child development. Children who get enough play are exposed to the basic foundation of early learning as well as future learning. Furthermore, educators and child development experts recognize the importance of play, and this is manifested in the way educational, and home environments are expected


Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Autism Spectrum refers to a range of conditions that are classified as neurodevelopmental disorders. The term “Spectrum” signifies that individuals with this disorder can exhibit a range of symptoms that vary in magnitude and severity (Spielman et al. 587). Nevertheless, most ASD patients usually display

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