

Symbolisms in Ralph Ellison’s story “Battle Royal”

The Battle Royal is a short exerpt from Ralph Ellison’s novel Invisible Man, which subjects the narrator into a violent, disordered world where the principles that govern the society bear no significance at all. The narrator’s involvement in Battle Royal reveals to him the true nature of life. Essentially, the story highlights the struggle that […]


Online Reviews Vs Company Advertising – Literature Review

The use of the Internet as a place for voicing opinions, criticisms, and approvals has become conventional in the modern day society. Prospective buyers, particularly millennials, are now increasingly evaluating products based on information that they have gathered from online reviews. At the same time, companies that strive to establish a market presence and publicize


The Politics Of Same-Sex Marriage

The legal and cultural consensus that denies the validity of same-sex relationships and marriages has been confronted and capsized over the course of the last five decades. As a result, the term marriage has evolved from its conventional man-woman relationship into a more inclusive expression that takes account of other interactions in the lesbian, gay,



Coworking represents an exclusive workplace model that empowers people of different professional backgrounds to work together in a shared space. The concept was conceived in the 1990s as a term for describing computer-collaborated work, after which Citizen Space and the Hat Factory launched as the first coworking centers in the United States (NAIOP Research Foundation


Change Management Theories in Use in Australian Industries

Introduction The constant evolution of the modern business environment due to endless innovation in technology and intensified globalization efforts is necessitating modern businesses to adopt the concept of change management in their structures of administration. In essence, change management refers to approaches in management of a firm that prepare and support employees, groups, and the


Human Behavior in Organizations in the Documentary Film ENRON

“ENRON: The Smartest Guys in the Room” – 2005 “Enron: the Smartest guys in the Room” is a documentary which presents an evaluation of the bankruptcy of the Enron Corporation in 2001 and one of the largest scandals in American history. Enron was a giant corporation in the energy industry based in Houston Texas and had


The Historical Significance of Vatican City

Vatican City is perhaps one of the most recognized historical locations worldwide. It was established in 1929 as the smallest independent state in the world, with an area of 44 hectares. Embedded within the confines of Italy, the notorious city-state is special for being one of three other countries in the world that exist as


Current Status of the United States Healthcare System

The modern American healthcare system is more complex and significantly different from “what it was” in 1988. The observed changes can be traced to the transformation of the system from a customized indemnity plan to a managed care system. Indeed, the system continues to evolve today with variation of costs being the most recognizable source

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