

Is Society Safer Without Guns? Does Carrying Guns Create Public Tension?

Introduction Research on gun violence has presented overwhelming evidence that firearms make society more dangerous(Harvard School of Public Health, 2015). This is so because the possession of guns not only stimulates violence but also permits it(Bushman, 2013). The ever-presence and easy availability of guns in America, underlies the tension between communities and the police. Is […]


Boston Marathon bombings, 2013 – Annotated Bibliography

Holman, E. A., Garfin, D. R., & Silver, R. C. (2014). Media’s role in broadcasting acute stress following the Boston Marathon bombings. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(1), 93-98. The study investigated the media coverage of Boston and distress it increased or prompted near the bombing. The central issue was whether the repetitive


The Society Should Shun Homosexuals – Argumentative Essay

The term homosexuality’s root is a Greek term that means the same or similar. As well, it is thought to have originated from the term sexus, a Latin word, which means romantic or sexual attraction or conduct between same-gender members. Homosexuality, which is one of the commonest sexual orientations, is a persisting pattern or trend


Effective Communication and Cultural Competence within Healthcare facilities

A well-integrated communication in healthcare facilities. The healthcare sector if full of dynamics and diversification in which their incorporation calls for an effective mode of communication within the various healthcare service facilities. The healthcare uses the art of communication as an essential tool towards the achievement of productivity and maintenance of strong working relationships at


Troubleshooting Creativity – War on Drugs

Introduction ‘War on Drugs’ was declared in 1971 by the then president Richard Nixon. The overall goal of the War on Drugs was to eradicate drugs from our societies and to keep America safe, something it has not managed to deliver. Instead, the War on Drugs has unintentionally facilitated a growing criminal market that drives


Technology and Training Systems – British American Tobacco

BAT – Technology and Training Systems This paper describes the findings of an evaluation of the technology requirement essential staffing systems, training systems, employee productivity and career development systems deployed in British American Tobacco to manage and enhance employee competency and productivity. It further proposes suggestions needed to improve the technology requirements relevant to the


Troubleshooting Communication – Incidence Of Failed Communication, Reasons And A Possible Solution

Troubleshooting Communication The discipline of communication centers on how individuals use messages to produce and create meanings across and within different media, channels, and cultures. The art or discipline of communication advances and promotes the ethical and efficient practice of human communication (Grimsley, n. d). Furthermore, communication is a varied and diverse discipline that comprises

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