

Can Volcanic Activities Become Beneficial to Humans?

Volcanism refers to magma and related gases movement from the interior into the earth surface and the crust. Volcanism can be beneficial and hazardous to human being.  Volcanic eruption results to the emission of greenhouse gases that include CO2 from fossil fuels burning.  This makes a contribution to the atmospheric pollution and increase in global […]


Road to Serfdom – Book Review

Introduction The “Road to Serfdom” is authored by Friedrich Hayek who was born in Austria (Hayek, 2015). It mostly focuses on socialism and its resulting adverse effects on a country’s economic path and life of the people. Through the various chapters, covered economic aspects are dealt with regard to socialist tendencies. Socialism is thought in


Chromium – Shortages of Strategic Minerals and solution

The selected strategic mineral is Chromium.The country was anticipated to use approximately 5% of the globe chromite ore in different forms that include refractories, chemicals, and metals. Chromium is among the country’s most essential critical and strategic material. Its utilization in nonferrous, steel, and iron alloys facilitates resistance and hardenability to oxidation and corrosion. The

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