CIS 523 – Password Management Tips

Prompt : Suppose a worker in your organization frequently forgets his password, attempts to use obvious passwords, reuse old passwords, and sometimes gets locked out of the system for failed log-in attempts. How would you deal with such a user? What organizational policies should be in place for handling user behaviors of this kind?

Passwords are very important when it comes to protecting information particularly in computers with many users. It is therefore important that every user remembers his or her password in order to prevent the computer from locking-up. The best way to deal with a user who frequently forgets his password is to first let him understand the importance of identification in the field of information technology. According to Kaufma, Perlman & Speciner (2003), identification through passwords is one of the most important building blocks of computer security and it is a way of making each and every user accountable. This user should be assisted to create a password that he can easily remember to prevent several failed attempts. Additionally, this user must be reminded to avoid frequent changing of password as this will assist him to master and use one password for a long time (Kaufma, Perlman and Speciner, 2003).

Organizational policies should be put in place for handling user behaviors of this kind. For example, all computer users must have an identification number in order to use any computer in the organization, and nobody should attempt to use the computers if he does not remember his password. Another policy that can be used to handle user behaviors is that, an organization must ensure that all user identification numbers belong to the authorized users. These users should be reminded about their usernames and passwords through email to help them remember their identifications suppose they will have forgotten. This will prevent users from using old passwords to get access into the computer system (Kaufma, Perlman and Speciner, 2003).

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