Climatic Change Management – A Global Issue Where Shared Responsibility for Common Good is not Being Realized

Assignment Instructions – Global Issues where Shared Responsibility for Common Good is not being realized

Briefly critiques a global issue where shared responsibility for the common good is not being realised. And then, propose ways to address this challenge. Demonstrate a good understanding, especially of principles of CST including the Common Good and human dignity, and explain how advocacy and community engagement contribute to your solution.


To demonstrate your ability to apply your knowledge and understanding of principles of human dignity, advocacy, and community engagement to potential ways to address the challenge of realizing the common good in a global context.

Sample Answer – Climatic Change Management

Identified Problem

Climatic change management is one of the global issues where shared responsibility for common good is not being realized. The degree of the problem that climate change poses to all living things can never be exaggerated. Climatic change is radically influencing lives of people, particularly the lives of the vulnerable and poor, intimidating the progress made in fighting poverty. If not effectively addressed, climate change is likely to cause grace effects on the global economy, environment, human rights, and the society. The global nation is thus required to take equal and measured social responsibility to handle aspects that are contributing to climatic changes. However, the manner in which people across the globe are living today is resulting to ecosystem destruction, large-scale air, water and land pollution, and environmental degradation, contributing more to factors aggravating the problem (Kersten at al., 2012, p. 5).

There has been an acknowledgement of the relation between environmental economic and social challenges and the requirement to articulate reaction to these challenges. Based on this discovery, there is no any government that can manage to eradicate poverty and grow in a progressive manner without acknowledging the link between nature and people, and the significant role that nature plays in allowing people to develop. Similarly, it is not possible to handle climate changes without handling the political, economic and social factors which drive the current development route, subjecting people at odds with the planet stability that we rely on. Although different governments have tried employing different measures to curb emission of greenhouse gases which is the major contributing factor in climatic change, no government demonstrates addressing social and economic issues, especially the social and economic gap between the rich and the poor as a way of handling the climatic change (Forman et al., 2016, p. 22).

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Climatic change is a serious problem affecting both the rich and the poor. Although the consequences of the climatic changes are felt by everyone, they seems to hit the poor and disadvantages much more than the rich, especially when perceived with regard to food security issue. It is also clear that most of the climatic changes activities are contributed by the rich in the industrial sectors among other activities that include transportation. The changes made do not show much in terms of resolving the situation. Although there are measures employed to handle greenhouse gas emission, some of these measures especially carbon tax do not really curb emission, they only increase the cost of emission. This implies that the rich can actually emit more if they can afford it, but at the expense of all, with the poor suffering more (CIDSE, 2017, p.9).

Proposed Solution

The global common good links policy practice and ethical obligation. It challenges leaders to translate their sincere principles into practical action. It as well challenges governments to work with partners across the world with the strong brief that the shared humanity offers foundation for common answers to the biggest threats facing the globe today (Steenland et al., 2007, p. 6). Climatic change is an issue that require that every human take equal responsibility. We all need to reconsider our action and think of how they are contributing to the climate changes and the challenges that come with it. This includes taking personal responsibilities in ensuring the right measures are taken. This include planting extra trees in the compound, trying irrigation measures and planting drought resistance crops when they can grow among other personal efforts. People should also stop activities that can cause climatic changes like deforestation, pollution, and other human activities that contribute to these changes. One of the ways the government can assist in managing climatic change is by setting climate goals and measures that the citizens should follow to attain them. Laws can be imposed to ensure that everyone work towards achieving the set goals and through the defined strategies.

The governments should also fight to safeguarding and investing in the global natural systems and habitats restoration. The creation ensured ecological balance which human have highly interfered with through deforestation, high level of emission, land and water deposition, cultivation, mining and other human activities. To fight climate changes impact, social and religious organization as well as the government should focus on encouraging people to try to recreate the ecological balance that has been highly disrupted. To ensure effective changes, the government and other involved organizations should consider including everyone in taking the right measures. Changing the social and economic life people living in poverty should also be considered. Climatic changes have highly affected the poor, affecting even the availability of their food. The governments should consider generating green, decent jobs in the new economy and ensure that climate action assist in correcting power imbalances in the world (CIDSE, 2017, p. 12).

Expansion for the common good is also regarded to be more than making our current development mode green to lower its harms to the environment. Growth for the common good regards prioritising on the poorest people’s need and eliminating the huge consumption disparities, power imbalances, wealth inequality and ensuring that practices and policies are coherent with these priorities. This will ensure respect to human dignity, especially to the poor who have been suffering a great deal for the action of the rich. Catholic social teachings advocates for respect of human dignity and rights by ensuring social responsibility to bring common goods. The change of these aspects brought about by climatic changes will eliminate the suffering of the poor ensuring common good to all people in the society.

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